Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: Ticket Kiosk will show a No Stock warning, even though the trade is for a printed ticket.

ConnorNMoran opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Lightman's Currency Version


Environment Type

Minecraft Client (Bug/crash happened in a single-player world or while the game was booting)

Other relevant Mods

No response

Describe the bug

When using a ticket kiosk, it seems that after putting money into the kiosk, I can select the ticket to be printed for the amount required, and it will work, but it will show a No Stock warning over the arrow, which is confusing.

To Reproduce

  1. Place a Ticket Kiosk.
  2. Set up a trade - Type: Sale - 1 gold coin for 1 ticket.
  3. Attempt to buy the ticket.
  4. View the warning over the arrow.

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports

Ticket Kiosk Bug


Oddly, doesn't occur any more after adding another trade which uses the same ticket names to exchange said ticket back to coins.


It's because of this
Basically, you are not supposed to be able to buy a ticket without materials (paper) in stock (because the kiosk need to craft the ticket)


Indeed. This is a duplicate issue of #222. Please refer to that issue report for all future communications.