Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


[Feature Request] Auction Server

rabrunos opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Auction Server

An Auction Server that would work in the same way as the Item Trading Server

  • The seller sets the items for auction, chooses the starting price and duration time of each auction item individually.
  • Option to allow only selected teams to participate in the auction.
  • The auctioneer can set a fee for placing a bid.
    This fee stays with the auction house even if it is not a winning bid.
    And the buyer pays the fee on every bid, so if he bids now and someone bids higher, when he bids another bid he must pay another fee again.
  • Prevent items that have durability or enchantments from being used as an bid (Only items that can be stacked.).
  • Buyers use Auction Terminal to remotely access
  • Buyers place their bids, being able to bid as many times as they like.
  • Bids must be higher than the last bid ever placed and a buyer cannot bid twice in a row. A markup would show the buyer that the last bid is his.
  • When the auction duration is at the last minute (60 real seconds), any bid made by a player resets the duration time to 1 minute (60 real seconds), for example:
    There are 30 seconds left for the auction to end, one player places a bid, then the remaining time goes back to 60 seconds.
    So the auction only ends when no one else bids and the 60 seconds are up.
  • The buyer receives a notification in chat when a new bid has been made on an item they have also bid on.
  • If the auction ends and no one has placed a bid, the item goes back to the auction inventory and leaves the available auctions.
  • When the time is up, the auction winner receives the item in their auction account. (To prevent getting an item in your inventory at an inconvenient time)
    This auction account would be accessed through the Auction Terminal and the slots only serve to receive the items won by the auction, there would be no possibility of placing an item manually.
  • When bidding, the item used as a bid is instantly removed from the player's inventory and goes to the server's active auction inventory.
    When a player places a new bid, the previous bid goes back to the player's auction account inventory.

It would be something like this:

Player1 bids 10 diamonds
10 Player1 diamonds saved in active auction inventory
Player2 bids 11 diamonds
10 Player1 diamonds are transferred to the player's auction account
11 Player2 diamonds saved in active auction inventory

It was the best I could think of.

  • When an auction is active, the server becomes indestructible, to prevent intentional or unintentional destruction. (To avoid canceling auctions.)
  • When you cancel an auction, fees and bids go back to the buyers who placed a bid.

Image Example

This image is just an example of how I imagined it.
The timeout is the same because I did a quick edit, but each item would have its timeout.

Item stacks

Minecraft allows you to stack only 64 items.
So, the price of an auction would eventually prevent you from placing new bids if it reached the maximum stack.

Two ways to get around this are:

  • First: Add multiple slots for bidding.
  • Second: Add only one slot that has the maximum stack of 64 changed to a higher value. (I've seen several mods that do this, but I don't know if it's complicated to implement)

I particularly prefer the second option.

If implemented, the Auction account would also have slots with higher stack values.
Also, when defining the auction, the auctioned item and the item used as a bid would also have larger stacks.
So the auctioneer could set an initial value larger than a stack and also set, for example, a sale of 1000 quartz blocks in just 1 auction.

It would also be interesting to have some cost to start an auction.
Setting a quantity of an item as a fee to start an auction in the configuration file.
Thus, the server could regulate auctions by placing high or low values, reducing or increasing the amount of auctions created because of the cost.
This fee does not go back to the auctioneer if they cancel an auction.


I've just given precise details to make it easy to absorb anything you want to implement.
I know you are the developer and you do what you want!


Soon I'll edit my suggestion comment putting what you said, just to be saved in one place!
I'll also highlight other things that I didn't make clear.


I could probably implement something similar to this, but for the sake of the auction, I'll probably force the payment to be done with coins, that way we won't have to worry about stack limits. I might also just make the auction house something akin to its own universal trader type that just always exists on the trading terminal, and cannot be made manually (but can be accessed by all players, so that they can define their own auctions, etc). That said, it would take a while to implement and I've got another features I'm working on at the moment, so it will likely be a while before this gets added, although I do appreciate how thorough your suggestion was :)


I'm glad you reviewed my suggestion!

I might also just make the auction house something akin to its own universal trader type that just always exists on the trading terminal, and cannot be made manually (but can be accessed by all players, so that they can define their own auctions, etc).

I had thought of something similar, which would be the auctions would be saved only on the server instead of needing an machine (to avoid machine destruction and later having auctions ruined by it), but I thought that this would be more difficult to implement, but if you say so is better then i will believe that this is the best choice.

Can't wait for this feature!


Update: I know it's been a while since this was requested, but the auction house is currently in the process of being made, so keep an eye out :)


Auction House has been added as of v1.1.5.1.