Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: {Netherite Duplication}

tmanfoo1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version (1.18.1):
Forge Version (39.1.0):
Lightman's Currency Version (lightmanscurrency-1.18-
Other Relevant Mods & Version (create create-mc1.18.1_v0.4d.jar, storage drawers StorageDrawers-1.18.1-10.1.1.jar):
Connection Type (server/client):

Describe the bug
Netherite is duplicated when extracted from a smart chute

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a pillar as follows:
    smart chute [where you drop the netherite coin]
    minting press
    smart chute
    storage drawer [which recieves ghost items it seems]
    Expected behavior
    2 netherite coins in the top
    64 netherite ingots in the hopper at the bottom

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
You can find your minecraft logs in the /logs folder (ideally the latest.log file if you've not launched your game again since the error happened, and/or crash report if a crash happened)

Additional context
as a coder it seems that what is happening is the smart chute is extracting a stack of items at a time and so the thing tries to extract a stack from the minting machine when imputed. It seems like the items are ghost items that actually cant be interacted with and would normally go away, but with the hoper extraction the items become tangable.


First off, for your expected behavior I'm assuming that you meant "2 netherite coins in, 2 netherite ingots out", and that the Actual behavior was 2 coins in, 64 ingots out. Also, have you tested on a more recent LC version, as I updated the coin mint code in v1.1.0.3 (you're supposedly using v1.0.5.3, which is 13 versions out-of-date), so you're reporting an issue that may have already been fixed, as I know for 100% certain that in v1.1.0.3+ the coin mint's "ghost items returned in the IItemHandler.getStackInSlot" function for the output slot limits the stack count to the amount of items currently in the input slot.


Update, I found the issue. It should be patched shortly. The real problem here is that create uses the results from the simulation form of the extract function instead of the non-simulated form, and my "simulation" of the coin minting was unfortunately inaccurate.


Fixed in v1.1.2.1.