Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: Tickets aren't craftable

vizthex123 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Minecraft Version (REQUIRED): 1.18.2
Forge Version (REQUIRED): 40.1.41 (can't update otherwise it crashes the pack)
Lightman's Currency Version (REQUIRED):
Other Relevant Mods & Version (LC Tech, etc.):
Connection Type (Single-player, server/client, LAN world): All

Describe the bug
Tickets have no crafting recipe, but based on my understanding of how they work, they should have one by default. Added one myself for now, but figured I could report it while I'm here.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Check the ticket recipe using JEI

Expected behavior
It would have a recipe

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports

Additional context


Tickets are made from paper, tickets, master tickets, or ticket stubs using the Ticket Machine. At best this should be a feature request to add the recipe to JEI, but that'd be difficult as all master tickets are unique, and normal tickets are given the same ID as the master ticket used to craft them. Please see the wiki for details here.


You could add JEI info for it, that'd help a lot.


Unfortunately it's not that simple, as I'd need to make the ticket machines recipes into actual minecraft recipe types that get loaded in via data pack in order for it to work with JEI. It's doable, ye, but extremely annoying to do (trust me, I already had to do it once for the coin mint). Either way, that'd still be a feature request, not a bug report.


Really? I never knew adding info tabs was that annoying, cuz with CraftTweaker it's pretty easy (I'm using mods.jei.JEI.addDescription(<item:minecraft:paper>, ["Can be used to make tickets in a Ticket Machine"]); in my pack, for example). Assumed it'd be the same with modding.


I didn't consider doing it that way. I was thinking of actually making it show the Ticket Machine's UI, just like how the furnace/coin mint show the items in the UI (which is a complicated process if you're not already using the Minecraft recipe system for a machines recipes). That should actually be easy enough to manage, thanks for the idea as I completely forgot that was a feature in JEI.


Yeah, having JEI Info would be a good work-around until you add full support (if you're ever able to).

And anytime, I went ahead and added it to paper & all the tickets in my modpack. Maybe do the same for the mod itself?