Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


[1.1.82] Feature Request: Add tag support to recipes

vizthex123 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Yes, it's annoying to have to make Minecraft glass panes when I have other ones, for example.

Describe the solution you'd like
Adding tag support to recipes - for example, using forge:glass in the Trading Terminal recipe

Describe alternatives you've considered
Changing the recipes myself

Additional context
List of recipes that could use tag support:

  • ATM: forge:glass_panes

  • Display Case: forge:glass, forge:wool

  • Vending Machine (large and regular): forge:glass

  • Freezer: forge:glass

  • Armour Display: forge:glass

  • Trading Terminal: forge:glass, forge:stone

  • Ticket Machine & Kisosk: Black Dye instead of an Ink Sac

Meant to report this before the new update came out, but got busy & forgot. Thanks for implementing my ATM feedback though, it's a lot better than the old one.


I also found that the Piggy Bank has a mirrored recipe when it's not necessary, and the custom villager professions aren't localized in JEI


ATM: Doable
Display Case: Glass is doable, but it specifically uses red wool, so unless there's a tag for red wool specifically, that aint happening.
Vending Machine: Doable
Freezer: Doable
Armor Display: Doable
Trading Terminal: Doable
Ticket Machine/Kiosk: It's a printer that prints with ink, not dye. It will remain the same. If there's a tag for ink, I'll consider it, but otherwise... no.
Piggy Bank: Doable

Villager Names: I could technically add those entries to the language file, but I wouldn't recommend doing so as it's missing the "lightmanscurrency" namespace so if another mod adds a "banker" villager there will be a conflict (especially if it's called a banker internally, but not in the language file). I would report this as an error with whatever JEI addon made that UI, as it's working fine with the vanilla entity villager naming (a banker properly shows up as a banker in the actual trading UI), and if it's not working properly for my villagers, it's likely also not working properly for other modded villagers.


Changed in v1.1.5.4. Although I'm leaving the villager names alone as it is the job of that JEI addons developer to make sure they're using the translation key that forge generates for modded villagers (which is easily findable in the villager code).