- 2
Suggestion: Make every single Enchantment compatible
#64 opened by pun1130 - 6
TPS freezes on enchant availability check + weird infinite enchants ignoring the global/set level cap
#60 opened by Desempregago - 0
Support for 20w14infinite
#61 opened by RulerOfEternity - 2
Installing this MOD together with betterend will cause the game to fail to start
#62 opened by NaiHeKK - 2
Server crashes on startup using v1.5.13
#63 opened by CozzyBro2 - 1
1.17.1 does not allow enchantments over 255
#56 opened by PixelatedBruh - 2
Tax free levels integration
#54 opened by memejim8 - 2
game crashes upon attempting to start world
#55 opened by cheezkid26 - 1
Crash on startup only on servers [1.17.1]
#59 opened by shinjitumala - 0
[Feature Request] Add max level setting for anvil combinations
#57 opened by elhertz - 2
[Bug] Unable to launch using 1.5.12
#58 opened by Kronon-Conspirator - 1
Server crash
#69 opened by CubeFroster - 0
Luck of the Sea and Lure enchantments should have their default limit changed
#65 opened by AryaAyati - 21
Unable to launch using 1.5.14
#66 opened by Silencx - 1
Freeze in AoF 5
#67 opened by nnym - 0
Unable to launch using 1.5.19
#68 opened by Silencx - 2
Crashes when generating world (Version: 1.18.1)
#70 opened by EH099 - 0
Incompatible with Enchanting Infuser
#73 opened by aisukuma - 1
Limitless instant crash on launch (1.17.1)
#71 opened by Broekinator - 2
Server is still crashing
#72 opened by CubeFroster - 3
Chopper from FallingTree is detected as incompatible to Axes
#74 opened by Laifsyn - 2
Server Data Synchronization
#75 opened by Laifsyn - 2
Crash on version 1.6.2 for 1.16.5
#78 opened by Gilithrimm - 0
Damage reduction from Protection enchantments (default, Blast, Fire, Projectile, and Feather Falling) is capped to 80%
#77 opened by NelLexvul - 0
Enchanted Books cannot be reenchanted.
#79 opened by nnym - 2
[QUILTMC] Crash while loading
#80 opened by Ecorous - 1
Crash on 1.18.2
#81 opened by Zolyn - 8
random crash when starting up
#30 opened by itschonky - 3
Conflict with FairEnchanting in new versions - Minecraft 1.16.4
#31 opened by Sl-L - 1
Incompatible with AnvilFix
#32 opened by UpcraftLP - 2
Incompatible With Starlight
#33 opened by IAmSneak - 11
Crash on enchanting books and when books are generated in the world
#34 opened by JamesDClayton - 4
Crashes on 1.16.5 Server
#35 opened by Uplink1209 - 1
Limitless 1.1.3 spamming logs with [LIMITLESS DEBUG]
#36 opened by Uplink1209 - 0
[Request] Compatibility with modded bookshelves
#37 opened by asteroidb12 - 4
Incompatible with Mo'Enchantments mod
#38 opened by greensad - 0
Incompatibility with Charm's "Tinted" Enchantment
#39 opened by BrekiTomasson - 0
Duplicate and repeat enchantments?
#40 opened by supdogpsi - 0
Incompatability with Better End
#42 opened by supdogpsi - 2
Crash when launching.
#43 opened by ArrowFX - 6
Limitless breaks Gson?
#44 opened by thexaero - 1
Will limitless be updated to be compatible with 1.17
#45 opened by RaXorX - 4
[Suggestion] Add Combability to Actually Unbreaking
#46 opened by kalinzange - 1
[Suggestion] Add ability to disenchant items
#47 opened by RaXorX - 0
[Suggestion] Mutual Exclusivitiy
#48 opened by RaXorX - 1
Updating config
#49 opened by jusTinMan - 3
[Bug] Limitless 1.5.1 with 1.17.1 crashes on startup from kbootstrap
#50 opened by craftingmod - 4
Crash with Fabric API 0.40.0
#51 opened by MysteriousDownloader - 2
[BUG] Crash after reconfigure
#52 opened by Kronon-Conspirator - 1
crash when using 1.5.5
#53 opened by Kronon-Conspirator