- 2
"Pick last" crashes
#13 opened by SunSerega - 4
Litematica blocks change their rotation all the time
#14 opened by SunSerega - 0
Pick Flint and steel or Fire charge when middle click on fire
#15 opened by SunSerega - 6
Can't Place Blocks
#16 opened by 17oClokk - 3
impossible to place blocks when schematics blocks are on
#2 opened by Bibithom - 5
Schematics not load
#1 opened by KingTatouille - 4
Many question about use
#3 opened by Culvanen - 6
Inner sides between same type of overlay renders
#5 opened by SunSerega - 3
Updating litematica fails
#6 opened by SunSerega - 3
Cave and void air doen't count's as air
#4 opened by SunSerega - 0
"Peek block" has higher priority then "grab placing"
#7 opened by SunSerega - 0
Selection center is immoveable when there is 0 selection box's
#9 opened by SunSerega - 0
Entities can glitch out when copied
#8 opened by SunSerega - 1
Keys from saving key combination get into .litematica file name
#10 opened by SunSerega - 1
Litematica pick block works when rendering is off
#11 opened by SunSerega - 0
Placement doesn't auto refresh after toggling rendering
#12 opened by SunSerega