- 6
it's trying to access which way a brewing stand is facing, which isn't a thing
#17 opened by Azutte - 19
Hotkeys not working
#18 opened by SwaggMillionaire - 6
#19 opened by shatteredcon - 1
Importing Schematica schematics and Exporting
#20 opened by Cazitron - 1
Way to ignore some pink blocks
#21 opened by SunSerega - 1
Folder name after dot does not show
#22 opened by SunSerega - 6
Feature Request: display model in layers for easier Survival building
#23 opened by graemeg - 2
1.13 Forge
#24 opened by SunSerega - 12
#25 opened by JeffWooden - 6
Material List
#26 opened by smartin1018 - 4
Actions don't work in Rift 1.13.2
#27 opened by Kermalis - 16
easyPlaceMode not working
#28 opened by Gursheys - 6
Invisible schematic
#29 opened by Viperbi - 1
I can't select anything (1.13)
#32 opened by Cooloop10 - 6
I unbound the Settings hotkey (M + C) and can't change it due to obvious reasons.
#30 opened by Cooloop10 - 3
Right mouse button Doesn't work outside of inventory
#31 opened by Cooloop10 - 4
(Request) Request for a Schematic to Litematic file converter
#33 opened by Cooloop10 - 7
Multiple Bugs with schematics and the End
#34 opened by Cazitron - 6
Carpets don't appear
#35 opened by rebane2001 - 7
Ctrl+scroll Tool Selection Issues on Mac
#36 opened by Lapask - 6
Litematic in blank?
#37 opened by SrPeterr - 4
Litematica 1.13.2 Crash with Rift
#38 opened by SoulReturns - 7
Structure not able to paste in creative
#39 opened by ProkopRandacek - 1
1.14.2 build
#41 opened by ardentcrest - 27
Can not open .schematic files
#40 opened by simoonvance - 4
[1.14.2 - Fabric] Crash log
#42 opened by IcyTower1337 - 2
Big painting misplaced
#43 opened by taziup - 5
Paintings, armor stands and item frames not in material list
#44 opened by taziup - 6
No overlay for entities
#45 opened by taziup - 2
#46 opened by S3ndo - 1
Top right tooltip disappears when activating the schematic verifier
#47 opened by revolter - 4
easyPlace wont work on servers in survival?
#49 opened by ShadowMaster13 - 2
Can't save an area selection to a litematic - 1.14.4
#51 opened by EmeraldSnorlax - 30
Error! Game could not be started
#50 opened by Dejaanx3 - 11
Details on the litematica format?
#53 opened by wgaylord - 1
Litematic and schematic
#54 opened by beastyy04 - 5
Noteblock instrument
#52 opened by eza33314 - 6
Fabric mods with MultiMC won't open
#58 opened by EroanII - 4
Litematica crashes as soon as I open minecraft 1.14.4
#59 opened by 2002luis - 1
Possible to Convert Schematics into Litematics 1.14?
#55 opened by DabberDoug - 2
.schem to litematic file converter?
#56 opened by Definition - 5
Saving non-generated chests?
#57 opened by SunSerega - 1
#60 opened by muddleszoom - 5
loaded schematics turn into a mess
#61 opened by Duckoboye - 2
How to stop destroying my schematic?
#62 opened by yLordMagnus - 2
[Suggestion] Add circular build guides
#63 opened by ZenithRogue - 5
How to replace top slab by another type of top slab
#66 opened by JulienTant - 5
Feature Request: Block Equivalency
#67 opened by StTheo - 4
Can't see schematic while underwater (1.14.4)
#64 opened by WorstPlay3r - 10
Fabric 1.14.4 crash
#65 opened by Kermalis