- 4
The guide is not removed after a block is placed
#438 opened by MzKaiser - 1
How do you override an existing schematic [Question / Bug]
#440 opened by Errorbot1122 - 1
Ignore blocks in Schematic with Structure Voids [Feature Request]
#441 opened by Errorbot1122 - 2
No overlay between several Schematics
#442 opened by Sakriereb - 3
MiniHUD shapes to Litematica schematic
#444 opened by sharkman - 1
Im stuck at the mode [9/9] "Edit Shemetica" i cant find out, please help.
#445 opened by nimovant - 2
schematicRebuildReplaceAll not working + 6 modes are missing
#446 opened by ausberg - 3
Settings reset every time I launch MC
#447 opened by Owsleyyyy - 1
Request to make an option to filter what can count as a wrong state.
#416 opened by Solutionful - 2
Schematics don't move unless I press M+R
#417 opened by Solutionful - 2
Conflicts with worldshell
#418 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 9
When I used this mod, the game sometimes quit by itself and saved the file !
#419 opened by WeiXisss - 23
Issue with easy place features
#420 opened by fsrastdyyf - 1
VRAM usage stacks while reloading
#421 opened by TWTommyee - 0
toggling overlay schematic sides requires schematic rerender to take effect
#426 opened by end-user - 2
[Answered] - Litematica Builds Very VERY slow
#435 opened by luixiuno - 2
litematica error while saving
#427 opened by kingsmtl - 2
Block Render Error
#428 opened by fumiondesu - 4
Can't Both Run And Place Blocks When Using easyPlaceMode
#429 opened by fumiondesu - 0
#437 opened by Divoret - 9
failed to load chinese-named .litematic file
#430 opened by bAdOoWindy - 1
schematic won't load properly
#431 opened by sapppho - 4
Cannot select certain modes
#432 opened by BenCat07 - 2
EasyPlace cant prevent block placing while moving
#434 opened by Cruwzky - 5
Too many blocks in the specified area (maximum 32768, specified 33536)
#453 opened by bAdOoWindy - 3
Every time I open my Minecraft client this error happens. Please help
#454 opened by PlsHelpAmLost - 1
When removing an area selection from litematica menu, the selection box remains in-game (1.18)
#455 opened by Nomenator - 5
Convert 1.18 schematic to 1.17.1
#456 opened by 2drocket - 3
Schematic spawns far away from the block its supposed to spawn on
#448 opened by mooneless - 3
Custom block state not working
#449 opened by Tanerx - 1
Material list does not update correctly when a multiplier is used.
#450 opened by officereso - 3
After starting the game, the client will flash back directly
#451 opened by monsters-97 - 8
Litematica for 1.18
#452 opened by Seeloewen - 1
Raw Material List
#457 opened by SlimeBoi2006 - 1
[Suggestion] Simply Rearrange Paste Order
#460 opened by FXbiker - 2
Chest and signs are flying around
#458 opened by renja-g - 3
Selection box not appearing
#459 opened by Aurumaker72 - 8
Pasted Redstone/Comparators Fail to Update Unless Manually Replaced
#461 opened by HighPotential1 - 2
[Feature request] Slider for the translucent option
#462 opened by el97 - 2
Litematica tool not working
#464 opened by Erin-37 - 1
Easy Place Mode not placing some blocks
#465 opened by NatenTrout - 8
Litematica not rendering properly
#406 opened by Madrathyl - 2
Exception while trying to read the schematic from file.
#407 opened by ffiizz - 2
Unable to find a schematic if created inside a folder
#408 opened by Ghozgul - 2
schematics dont show up in mc
#409 opened by GehakteBanaan15 - 2
Why is my schematics not showing in the game
#410 opened by LazyZelda - 3
Easy Place Underwater
#411 opened by Perlerking - 2
pasting huge schemas crashes mc
#412 opened by end-user - 0
Beehives and Bee Nests ignore schematic placement rotation or mirror configuration
#414 opened by tetraDB - 1
#415 opened by BadSpikeMC