Little Fireflies is a model made to add new fireflies, the ones that were canceled in the 1.19 update;
Fireflies spawn at night, in swamp and mangrove swamp biomes, they also spawn on top of Lush Caves, so if a firefly spawns in a non-swamp or mangrove swamp biome, it means that there is a Lush Cave in below, the fireflies commonly appear in large groups, they have a light that glows at night and they fly slowly, they only have two pixels, but their model is 3D, the fireflies give off luminescence;
The mod has several features based on luminescence, the firefly drop;
Luminescence can be placed on the ground, and it glows, with it we can make the luminescence block, the new Glow potion (yes, now the Glow effect is also a potion), the essence of luminescence that if drunk, acquires the effect of night vision and firefly sticks;
Fireflies sticks can be obtained by placing an iron bar and a luminescence in the craftable, they have all the colors of the game and have the model of an end stick;
Enjoy the mod and explore the night swamps, more features are planned for the mod.
Made in MCreator