LT 3D Importer is a mod that lets you import 3D models (with textures!) to your Minecraft world as LittleTiles structures. The only currently supported format of 3D models is .obj. Textures should be in .png or .jpg format. Supports importing textures with MTL declared in the .obj file as well. This is a beta version, expect missing/broken features!
IMPORTANT: Importing large structures while on a dedicated server may corrupt your player data file/chunk (which must be then edited or deleted) and kick you out of the server! If that happens and you don't know how to fix it, hit me on the CreativeMD discord (link on CreativeCore mod CurseForge page below)
This mod requires latest version of LittleTiles as well as CreativeCore to work properly!
For information on how to use this mod, check the wiki pages on GitHub.
Thank you CreativeMD for Little Tiles - such an amazing mod!
Notable thanks goes to Fredlllll for his plugin Print3D. I would have a hard time figuring out how to work with textures without it!
*I do not own any 3D models featured in the description or pictured in the logo. These models and their respective textures are freely available at