Loki TVA Mod

Loki TVA Mod


This will be in a mod that will include the TVA in minecraft, in this post you will have ALL the information about how I have planned the mod to be (I will not do it completely myself since I do not have time to learn how to create mods, textures etc ... only I am giving you the idea for someone who is interested to do it)

The mod in general:

This mod adds the dimension of the Time Variant Authority (TVA) and many items, mobs and functions, adds the hunters to the analysts (of the series) and the chrono monitors (they only appear in the comics), also the variants and the possibility of being one (mobs can also be variants).

The variants:

A variant is a mob or player that does not follow its default role for example:

A villager who killed a golem.

A golem that hurts a villager.

A pillager defending a village.

A creeper who decides not to explode.

An enderman who is not bothered by eye contact


In short, a mob that does not do what it should, and it would be completely random and rare for it to happen, if that is the case some time after the TVA passes it would appear and erase the variant or one of the hunters would take it through the portal through the the group of hunters from TVA arrived. After that one would put a reset charge and that will kill (and respawn after 2min) all mobs or players in a radius of 50 to 100 blocks.

-How do I become a variant if the player can do what he wants without a role?

Well when starting a new world you will have a tab that allows you to choose your default role that you must follow in the sacred timeline, these roles are:

Vegan: You become a variant if you eat meat (extreme I know)

Carnivore: Vice versa

Good people: You become variant if you kill a peaceful mob (except those that give food)

Speedruner: If you take more than 20 minutes to complete the game you become a variant (don't blame me that is how strict the TVA is)

Advanced: If you are not a full netherite enchanted when killing the dragon you become a variant.

No role: You cannot be a variant, you can do whatever you want, as without the mod, the only way that the TVA will arrest you with this role is if you prevent a reset charge from being activated, if that happens two things can happen, They delete you (most likely) or arrest you and take you to TVA. If you choose this role there is a 20% chance that you will spawn as a TVA worker.

TVA patrol spawning conditions:

For the TVA to erase a variant, it must try to defend itself, it is arrested if it offers little resistance, the more resistance it offers, the more likely it is to be erased (if it kills a hunter, the probability is 100%).

-Dimensions: The TVA can only appear when the variant is in its respective dimension (except for the central TVA because they can erase or recover you on their own ground, I think that is very obvious) the probability of finding variants for each dimension is :

Overworld: 40% (with 50% for each mob to become variant)

Nether: 10% (with 50% for each mob to become variant)

The End: 1% (with 10% for each mob to become variant)

Work for the TVA:

This is the part that everyone was hoping for (at least me) and you CAN be a TVA agent, but how do I become one? Well, one of the ways as you saw above is to choose "No role" in the roles tab, with a 20% probability of being a TVA worker, but there are other ways these are:

Witness an arrest: If you see the TVA work and you are an important witness (for that you would have to have seen the arrival of the TVA at least 5 blocks away, or see the TVA erase the variant or see the arrest ) there is a 20% probability that they will take you with them (one way that they will make you follow them is to have a message from a hunter that says "follow us" appears in the chat) if you are unlucky they will delete you or ignore you and They will put the reset charge.

Help them catch a variant: If you are lucky to find a variant escaping from the TVA you can catch it with an item (which will be shown later) to help the TVA, if you do this you have a 70% chance that you will give the message "follow us" and hire you, if you have bad luck they will only thank you and recommend that you stay away (as I said before they will tell you in the chat)

Prove your innocence: When you get to the TVA trial, the option to plead guilty or innocent will appear in the chat, if you plead not guilty and they ask you why you can answer something in the chat so that they decide to give you the opportunity to help them or not, the answers and probabilities of admission are:

"I can do well this time" (20%)

"I didn't know I couldn't do it" (0%)

"Maybe I have committed a crime but maybe I can help you" (70%)

"Because I can help you achieve your goal" (90%)

All these options will appear in the chat, and you must select one.

Agent Mobius M. Mobius asks for your help: Agent Mobius has a 30% chance of appearing in court and ask you to help catch variants.

Arrest process: If you had bad luck (or good luck from a certain point of view) you have to know what will happen, right? If not, what makes me? well here is the process:

First, the moment you become a variant there is a 60% probability that the TVA will appear at the time (except for the end, if you became a variant in that dimension they will arrest you when you return from that dimension) at that moment This message will appear in the chat "On behalf of the Time Variance Authority you are arrested for crimes against the sacred time line" after that you have two options, either you follow them (0% probability of deletion) or flee or try to kill them ( from 10 to 100% probability of deletion) if you were intelligent and followed them without resistance, you have to follow them to the door where they put the prison suit on, then you have to sign a confirmation of everything you have done in your life (the actions in the game, and the signature would be the player's name), then you will have to take a turn (right click with the corresponding block) if you do not show it when you reach the other side you will be deleted, then you will go to trial and I already explained what happens mass top.

Mobs: They are all the mobs that the mod adds:

Hunter: They are the leaders of the minuteman groups, they have a letter and number of up to 2 random digits like B-15, A-51, Z-97 etc, they have a TemPad and a spear of deleition.

Minuteman: They accompany the Hunters and come in groups of 3 to 10, and 3 out of 10 will have reset charges, plus the above tools.

Cronomonitor: They are found in the infinite dimension accessible from an elevator, they can also be found as receptionists or in libraries those of the infinite dimension are only seated and are more like an unobtainable block that are in front of a desk with a couple of papers and a computer (similar to the one from the 90s) have no face and from time to time they leave a random message in the chat if you ask something like "What is the status of the timeline?" o "Latest variant report" all chrononitors are seated.

another example Infinite Dimension example

Mobius M. Mobius: As I already mentioned He has a 30% chance of appearing in your courtroom and asking you to help catch variants.

Judge: It only appears in the courtroom and since the chrononitors are like unobtainable block more than a mob, and I already explained what they say.

Random mob with variant outfit: They are a normal mob only with the variant outfit they spawn randomly in the TVA.


Erasure spear: When you hit a mob with this you erase it, it cannot be crafted, you get it if you are a hunter or if you kill one (if you live long enough) and by right click you can toogle 3 functions: Delete: Deletes from one hit a mob, you know is in this mode if the light is orange, Slow: It slows a mob if you hit it, you know if is on this mode if the light is blue, Off: It doesnt make anything, you know if is on this mode if the light is off.

TemPad: It allows you to open time doors (portals) and see the growth of a nexus event, it also allows you to call the elevator when you are in the infinite dimension, and open doors to the temporary cell (where a loop of a missing event is repeated , determined by your most frequent death) is also good for note taking, like a Book and Quill, but cooler. Awarded if you are a Hunter or Analyst Agent.

Reset Charge: When activated after 5 seconds of being activated, it will erase all mobs or items from the TVA in a radius of 50 to 100 blocks (it can be adjusted, but not outside the minimum or maximum, it depends on the growth of the nexus event) Obtained as a hunter.

Time necklace: It is crafted with 7 iron ingots, 1 string, and a honey block in this way positions:

Iron Ingot Honey Block Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot String Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot

It is used to help capture a variant as I explained above, it is used by the TVA when capturing a variant, and when it captures you (it is placed in the slot of the helmet, with something similar to the curse of binding that is only removed with a Torna-Time).

Torna-Time: Right-click on a time necklace to bind it, unlike the previous one it cannot be crafted, Shift + Right-Click on a block to set a time-point (a spawn point that does not affect you if you die) if it Right-click the Torna-Time, you will return to the entity with a time necklace to that position, Shift + Right-Click in the air to release, this will allow the one who wears it to take it off and it will not affect the time-point put before. It is obtained by being a hunter to an analyst agent.

Jobs at TVA:

Helper: If you are hired by the TVA in any way that I mentioned before, Mobius will set you missions to capture variants, and will give you a time necklace, a TemPad, a Time-Torna, and a stack of reset charges (I forgot to mention that None of these tools have any kind of durability, they are unbreakable (except by lava, fire or explosions)) to capture a variant put the time collar on it, bind the Torna-Tiempo to the variant and make it go through the portal, and that's it you caught it, the tempad will help you see how many variants you caught, and how many you erased.

Hunter: If as a helper you manage to catch 5 variants and erase 5 you can promote hunter which will give you an armor immune to being erased (Unbreakable except for the condition smentioned above) and you will have up to 3 stacks of reset charges (and these can be replenished in the replacement station) and you will be able to unlock all the functions of your TemPad (and by the way this is irreplaceable) and your own minuteman team.

Analyst Agent: If as a hunter you catch 100 variants and erase at least 50 (the erase part is not mandatory, the capture part is) you can be promoted to analyst agent your mission is to catch highly dangerous variants, these are the ones that manage to evade the authority of the TVA and even shoot down patrols, they are the ones that cause the most important and urgent nexus events, you can have your own team of hunters to help you, you can search for clues (remains, anachronistic objects such as a shield in 1.8 or a lightning rod in 1.15 and yes this mod allows you to travel between versions that are dimensions apart).