- 1
1.12.2 incompatibility with SpongeForge
#216 opened by cajlo - 1
5.15 fps boost
#215 opened by ralseilii - 1
#214 opened by zfms4188 - 9
Some weird bug Regarding Horsepower Mod
#212 opened by Cinamonfire - 0
#210 opened by ralseilii - 10
Issues with SpongeForge
#209 opened by JustZerooo - 4
3 way incompatibility with tough as nails and weather2 remastered
#208 opened by Moonyol - 5
incompatibility with nothirium
#207 opened by Moonyol - 0
search in creative menu doesnt work
#206 opened by Moonyol - 2
Project Red Rendering Issues
#205 opened by LenKagamine - 0
Lag from sampler for worldgen
#204 opened by Mysticpasta1 - 4
New Rendering Bug
#203 opened by Hydraheads - 1
Crash when starting a world with "Stops mass object creation when Forge is firing events" enabled
#202 opened by XvaleX10 - 2
Support Spark Unforged
#201 opened by mczph - 1
Massive log errors quickly take up hard disk space
#200 opened by AdminHcat - 2
Possible Incompatibly With CensoredASM
#198 opened by Airisii - 1
Crash On Loading World/ And GL Out of Memory When Game Is left Running On The Menu
#197 opened by caniplzjustlogin4godsakesthistakesforev - 2
Catching Error from EndIO that doesn't exist causes crash on Start-Up
#196 opened by caniplzjustlogin4godsakesthistakesforev - 1
Crash when using Loliasm, Atum 2, and Apotheosis
#195 opened by KnightCa - 1
spongeforge crash on startup
#194 opened by Dan4oby - 1
failure when opening the thermal expansion bag
#193 opened by FireV1ndicator - 1
How to recover the dynamic textures of items
#192 opened by Dark2932 - 2
3 Way incompatability with Hatchery, ICBM and Lucraft: Core
#191 opened by AzureAqua - 1
Crash With Barritome
#190 opened by Natedogwoooof - 6
Can't load into any world
#189 opened by Airisii - 0
GTCE-TJ rendering errors
#188 opened by baifeiajdj - 4
5.14 breaks Thermal textures
#187 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 3
Crashes when trying to use "Host World" feature with Essential.
#186 opened by toErIpNid - 1
ver 5.6 array index out of bounds exception on server
#185 opened by DubDub2011 - 1
Crash when firing Immersive vehicles mod weapons
#183 opened by XvaleX10 - 3
#181 opened by koeret - 0
updateAnimations rewrite is slow
#180 opened by embeddedt - 8
CTD after update
#179 opened by festro - 3
- 1
Crashes with Baritone when entering world
#177 opened by NobodyHere-rrr - 27
Render lags and issues with LoliASM 5.12
#176 opened by HaHaWTH - 5
Server crashed since v5.7 update
#174 opened by HaHaWTH - 1
Issue in censoredasm 5.9 on CAT server.
#171 opened by Artronah1 - 8
Crash with OptiFine (originally Foamfix)
#169 opened by Romz24 - 2
crash loop on loading a world with 5.7
#166 opened by unix-supremacist - 18
我在整合包里添加此模组后崩溃missing item for modObject enderio:item_owl_egg
#165 opened by Lyaoo183 - 1
TerraFirmaCraft item temperature drop to zero [delayItemStackCapabilityInit=true]
#164 opened by rogedkone - 2
Sledgehammer, CensoredASM, Thaumcraft incompatibility?
#163 opened by Keaft - 0
导致AE2 Unofficial Extended Life无法打开合成终端
#161 opened by xinyihl - 5
#160 opened by AutumnLor - 4
切换子服疯狂 弹报错
#159 opened by kang-png - 1
Menu bug with FancyMenu
#158 opened by CalaMariGold - 2
datastructures.deobf.DeobfuscatedMappingsMap NullPointer
#157 opened by Rsslone - 3
Is this mod dead? Last update/commit was 7 months ago.
#156 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
不兼容1.6.3 spark
#155 opened by FnTlv