


Love the mod

DistortedEnn opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Im having a bit of trouble trying to find where i can configure it, sorry for wasting your time and the dumb question im just very unsure


In which minecraft version are you using this mod?
Depending on your minecraft version you are either looking for a file called lootingmod.cfg or lootingmod.toml in the config folder next to your mods folder.
In that file you find a bunch of configuration options(2 per Enchantment class) that you can adjust to change the max level of the enchantements and the min enchantability, which is a value that controls for how many levels you can get the enchantment.


its been almost two weeks since you asked this question, and as i consider it fully answered i will close this issue now.
You will probably have to mention me for github to notify me should you want to tell me anything in this issue.