Mod updated
Now all items in english and added a guide
Please look new images
Bannerlordlike mod
Recruit soldiers
Upgrade your army to powerfull knights
Battle against blue enemy
Command enormous army
Find new villages and villager troops
Use catapult and break castles (catapult fire system little fixed but still bad)
C recruit soldiers - All soldiers send to items in your inventory. Right click on troop's items and release your army
B Follow me command - All soldier come your back and follow you until release B button
U Open upgrade screen - use your coins items for soldier and upgrade army
Raid castles for coins.
Castle walls tough and thick
Collect coins and find merchant
merchants exchange coins (merge and seperate) or sell armors,sword,catapult, and reinforcement banner
craft 9 reinforcement banner LVL1 to reinforcement banner LVL2
take 1k items from merchant and use for craft king armor set (classic craft recipe)
usereinforcement banner on your army for buff. This items have limited time, use cleverly
If you lost your soldier items quit world and back. This items give to you from worlds
this mod not playable in online mod. troops numbers is general variables.