Lost Cities Squared

Lost Cities Squared


The Lost Cities Squared

Hello and welcome to Strubium steals code from people to make a old mod slightly better (90% of modified code from here: https://github.com/Burchard36/LostCities-RenderFix) (Original Mod: https://github.com/McJtyMods/LostCities)


TileEntitys now get special treatment and arent placed as normal blocks. (Not my work, this is the power of Burchard36)

New "nospawner" profile. Generates buildings with loot, but without mod spawners

New "geopol" profile. Generate cities with the power of GeoPol!

Tweaks to the "onlycity" profile. Railways + Highways.

Future Plans

A palette that uses MWC Props

Remastered Chisel profile (It will look nicer)