


Adding in your favorite wants we currently add-

A Giant Zombie from previous mod not fully functional.

A Sculk Jaw capable to trap you and your friends but sacrifice you hand for exp.

A Scientist profession with things you can't normally get.

A Dr. Trayaurus Easter egg with a spectral arrow now found with Fletcher trades.

The Monster of the deep! (Mob A from Minecraft 2017 vote)

The Hovering Inferno! (Mob D from Minecraft 2017 vote)

Wooden Sled (Texture WIP)

Spawn egg for illusioner

Uranium with Redstone capabilities! (Creative spin of greenstone of previous planned update to older mod)

Blue Hydrangea a new way to get cyan dye naturally & a memorial to the blue wool!

Buttercup, no features yet but soon to be a major role in a biome and mooblooms from Mob vote history.

Crown Fragments with placementholder texture

Crown of the Heat WIP model currently glitched

Monkey Motivator, summons monkeys to use along with resources necessary to tame them & a new unique pickaxe itself (Requires Alex's Mobs)

(Obsidian tools not fully ported over from previous mod)

Herobrine will not be implemented until satisfactory.

Don't touch the weird iron doors or you might have to use flight to find your way back home...

WIP Termite blocks

All blocks not in menus as of 7/7/2023

Recipe for saddle with leather triangle shaped and string and iron nugget coming down from the middle

Sled is crafted with three slabs of any unmodded kind, and a stick on the bottom right.

Replaced texture for clouds to look like realistic and nostalgic, & updated texture of illusioner to have a modern look with a spawn egg different from previous mods.

Secret Dimension with the odd doors.

Proof of Concept is this Jar File Things have placeholders & are subject to change much.