Continuation of LoTAS for versions higher than 1.21, but with a reduced feature set
Needs Fabric-API
Why remove features?
- Updating LoTAS to new versions was always very tedious due to the large feature set… Testing and verifying each feature was always hard and with Mojangs faster release schedule, we could not keep up (especially if Mojang rewrites everything between minor versions)
- Mojang patched a lot of things, so LoTAS's features would be reduced either way
Improved /tick
/tick rate
supports tickrates lower than 1- A second
/tick freeze
by simply typing/tick rate 0
, which also freezes the player - Tickrates higher than 20 also affect the player
Tickrate keybinds
Same deal as LoTAS
increases the tickrate,
decreases the tickrateF8
toggles/tick rate 0
advances 1 tick while the game is frozen
command for "quicksaving" and "quickloading" a minecraft worldJ
for saving and loading respectively
- /lotaslight for changing the config
Bug reports and TASing help
Bugs can preferably reported on GitHub, but you can also use Discord, where we also provide help!