LOTR Attack Indicator Addon

LOTR Attack Indicator Addon


Thanks for all the comments and support for my mods! I just made a discord server so you can give me suggestions for mods you want to see in the future, tell me if there's a bug with a mod, or if you need some help with forge mods in general. Join to be updated on my new releases and mods!

Be sure to check out my other mod, LOTR Pouch Viewer Addon! If you have any suggestions for other LOTR quality of life addons, please let me know :)

This LOTR addon adds the 1.9+ combat attack indicator to the LOTR legacy mod.

  • 1.4 removed the hex color system in the config, delete the config file if you have any issues with the new version. Instead, change the attack indicator textures with the template.

The attack indicator is displayed when an entity is within reach (works with increased reach from LOTR mod weapons). The speed depends on the LOTR melee cooldown of a weapon.

Config file can be accessed from 'Menu > Mods > LOTR Attack Indicator > Config' with options to show the indicator if an entity is in range, show different color indicators for allied, enemy, and neutral mobs, and options to set the transparency, scale, and height of the indicator. Entity names (ex 'Mordor Orc') can be added to the blacklist in the config to prevent the in-range indicator from showing over certain entities.

Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks as long as you credit me (jediexe) and link this page. This mod works on client side. It will not work without either the LOTR mod or the LOTR First Age mod. Compatible with LOTR legacy mod and LOTR FA legacy mod (tested both). If you find any incompatibilities or bugs, please report them.