- 2
PostgreSQL failure to launch
#568 opened by VergilPrime - 2
permissions not shown for users group
#567 opened by smmmadden - 11
Permissions data couldn't be loaded!
#566 opened by S3nS3IW00 - 3
MariaDB error
#565 opened by Max604 - 3
new install - unable to open sqlite db file
#564 opened by smmmadden - 8
#563 opened by MineTim - 19
Connecting Servers / Ranks
#562 opened by Rainbwz - 2
Using multiple servers in one command
#561 opened by popcorn9499 - 1
Update ru_RU
#560 opened by DarkFort - 15
Luckperms not syncing right
#559 opened by MXRepel - 3
DeluxeChat Expantion Issue.
#557 opened by maximchristo - 2
Internal Exception: me.lucko.luckperms.api.User.getGroupNames
#555 opened by Noudux - 3
enable-ops: true
#554 opened by Noudux - 1
Exception on load
#553 opened by FireFliesMC - 9
UnknownHostException on SRV domain
#552 opened by LoreSchaeffer - 1
Permission node context
#551 opened by LogGits - 5
how to synchronize bungee cord permissions on luckperms?
#550 opened by JaoPedronull - 2
gamerule keep inventory
#549 opened by Cracks777 - 12
#548 opened - 9
#547 opened - 1
Need compatibility with sponge API4
#546 opened by lnik801l - 3
[LuckPerms] [WARN] User 087b5e77-db7b-3350-8d42-2bc7413759c6 - WafflezPlayz doesn't have data pre-loaded. - denying login.
#545 opened by WafflezPlayz - 4
Bungeecord errors.
#544 opened by voodootje0 - 5
hasPermission() returns UNDEFINED on BungeeCord while getPermissions() lists it
#543 opened by XLordalX - 0
Unable to use OP forge commands
#542 opened - 1
#541 opened by Swiggo - 2
Server crashing
#540 opened by TheIdioticOtaku - 4
#539 opened by arturek1666 - 0
Tab complete isn't working perfectly.
#538 opened by voodootje0 - 1
No prefix
#537 opened by AdvancedGP - 0
[Bug?] Negate Wildcard while adding a more specific permission
#536 opened by leNicDev - 5
All groups and users disappeared.
#535 opened by AdvancedGP - 0
Implement messaging service using MySQL
#534 opened by lucko - 7
LuckPerms for Bungeecord
#533 opened by AdvancedGP - 6
When a player dies, he losses his permissions
#532 opened by luncherrs - 3
Per server prefixes
#531 opened by christophe6 - 5
User clone/transfer command.
#530 opened by voodootje0 - 1
Prefix & suffix not working on Minecraft v1.12
#529 opened by TornadoXAlpha - 8
Transient permissions not working
#528 opened by Kainzo - 4
Ability to cost to rank up a ladder
#527 opened by tyler489 - 2
Empty permission
#526 opened by Lmmb74 - 3
MySQL problem with action log - actor_name
#525 opened by Krosta8 - 2
latest version
#524 opened by TheFrostMonster - 2
Making changes to a group file does not reload permissions for players of that group currently online.
#523 opened by mibby - 2
Prefixes not showing on UltimateChat
#522 opened by GTXSam - 10
Random skipping of permissions in group files?
#521 opened by mrcoffee1026 - 2
NullPointerException on startup with build 3.4.50
#520 opened by LXGaming - 3
[Fixed] I need a Contexts instance of a player who is online on Bungeecord but not in the Bukkit server
#519 opened by TheGlitch76 - 1
Temporary paren groups displays group.<group>
#518 opened by voodootje0 - 1
Make the info command interactive for parent groups.
#517 opened by voodootje0