- 3
How can I make it so that users only inherit permissions from a certain group?
#1243 opened by Facti0n2 - 1
[question] Deleting specific permission from all users
#1242 opened by Kryniowesegryderiusz - 3
Commands don't work in bungee cord
#1241 opened by EOT3000 - 5
Commandblock not working
#1240 opened by walldi222 - 2
Luckperms MYSQL database error.
#1239 opened by 0xC1A551C - 1
put several servers/worlds with a single command
#1238 opened by CryLegende - 3
1.13.1 Bungeecord/server weird problem
#1237 opened by Kryniowesegryderiusz - 6
Server thread dump with vault
#1236 opened - 5
Add setting to turn off ssl for sql database
#1235 opened by natr566 - 3
Luckperms meta username-color, and other values? Help
#1234 opened by jakeroy - 7
Group Formats Not Displaying In Chat
#1233 opened - 2
give perms ?
#1232 opened by LoToRTv - 3
Negative Permissions with Vault
#1231 opened by mccormack-harry - 1
API error
#1230 opened by LowTix - 1
There is a typo in the export command help.
#1228 opened by RussianRonin - 3
Plugin didn't launch
#1227 opened by avescarelo - 6
#1226 opened by Darkphenixs01 - 1
Plugin didin't launch (Thermos 1.7.10)
#1225 opened by avescarelo - 0
Mysql error on version 4.2.108 on both 1.12.2 and 1.13.1
#1224 opened by Totten98 - 1
Plugin not work (Thermos 1.7.10)
#1223 opened by avescarelo - 5
[LP] A database error occurred whilst loading permissions data. Please try again later.
#1222 opened by Adam413 - 0
Remove specific dependency on Sponge API 8 in the mod info file
#1221 opened by lucko - 1
Permissions getting cleared too early in PlayerQuitEvent
#1220 opened by chrisliebaer - 7
Im in need of help. Console spam for life!
#1219 opened by Duqino - 1
Meta-Formating acting strange spigot/sponge/bungee
#1218 opened by tmoflash - 5
bungeecord no load
#1217 opened by MrSuricate2 - 10
Group Removal
#1216 opened by tmoflash - 1
Paper & Vault & LuckPerms - Concurrent Mod Exception.
#1215 opened by andrewkm - 12
#1214 opened by Tomi010817 - 19
SLF4J class loader conflict
#1212 opened by andrewkm - 0
#1211 opened by andrewkm - 3
luckperms not being used
#1209 opened by Yavin7 - 1
A username has a error
#1208 opened by OldKingisdie - 1
Improve permission unset command autocomplete
#1207 opened by JimusHimus - 1
Lack of documentation for default-contexts
#1206 opened by codingJWilliams - 2
Categories Idea
#1205 opened by DictatorAlideen - 1
BC Console Spam
#1204 opened by ItzSheldor - 1
Choose default server for permissions to default too
#1203 opened by Baylem - 3
Server hangs when initially loading data
#1202 opened by Brycey92 - 1
Issue with tracks and default
#1201 opened by blakepete - 15
Server Set problems
#1200 opened by Heroruler - 1
World-specific permissions
#1199 opened by aegisjester - 0
Have "perm set" override
#1198 opened by Kowaman - 1
Automatic organizator
#1197 opened by Zarpyk - 1
Luck Perm GUI
#1196 opened by Zarpyk - 2
Hello I need one placeholder rly fast
#1195 opened by LoToRTv - 3
Sync only rank ?
#1194 opened by CryLegende - 7
Don't allow relative paths for files in the /lp import/export commands
#1193 opened by Archengius - 6
1.13.1 SQL Error - BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.13-SNAPSHOT:ba07397:1355
#1192 opened by natr566 - 1
FastAsyncWorldEdit throws a NPE when LuckPerms is enabled [Nukkit]
#1191 opened by funniray