- 4
Error on bungee
#2238 opened by 4Cris - 2
Sponge style wildcard option for other plugins
#2237 opened by BrainStone - 12
GeyserMC/Floodgate implementation possible?
#2236 opened by DerLinkman - 2
Error spamming console and causing problems: "Exception thrown during asynchronous load"
#2235 opened by BlueSoapTurtle - 4
Web Editor not working (403 error)
#2234 opened by lujo777 - 20
LuckPermsAPI not working in project
#2233 opened by hamelech2007 - 2
EssentialsX prefix/suffix issue
#2232 opened by cypher90 - 2
Failed to init storage implementation
#2231 opened by aurilly - 9
Maven central LuckPermsAPI is out of date.
#2230 opened by thinkverse - 3
Typing '/lp' or any other /-command in console outputs a java error (no crash though)
#2229 opened by Robby- - 2
Pex importations
#2228 opened by Lunatik934 - 6
List indirectly inherited permissions
#2227 opened by avi12 - 1
Add timestamp to nodes in verbose checks 🙏
#2226 opened by Turbotailz - 8
Error dispatching event PermissionCheckEvent
#2225 opened by ehetteNandaYo - 6
LuckPerms is unable to recover from a MariaDB backend downtime
#2223 opened by sgdc3 - 7
Promote to specific group on a track
#2221 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 6
Luck perms isnt showing the prefix.
#2220 opened by Juliaria08 - 24
[Feature] Passwords to use /LP
#2219 opened by Spontini - 4
[Feature] A way to accept command only through console
#2218 opened by Spontini - 7
Add an option to "copy" a permission's duration and use that duration in another permission
#2217 opened by 02Miki - 3
sql error setting prefix (Incorrect string value)
#2216 opened by PhanaticD - 1
LuckPerms perfix dosen`t work
#2215 opened by hg23 - 5
BungeeCord Network Error
#2214 opened - 7
Issue with magma
#2213 opened by BP2004 - 2
[Inquiry] LuckPerms Connection Frequency and Ideal Connection Pool Size
#2212 opened by A248 - 3
Essentials keepinv and keepxp not working when applied to group
#2210 opened by NerdyKyogre - 2
groups names are all lowercase
#2209 opened by JhueiGitHub - 3
Suffixes and prefixes doesn't work
#2207 opened by MaestroMagnifico - 4
Prefix bug name same color
#2206 opened by Orion81200 - 3
LuckPerms BungeeCord no folder creating.
#2205 opened by chauveaul - 12
SpongeForge Not making Config
#2204 opened - 2
MySQL: SSL warning despite useSSL=false
#2203 opened by Picajoluna - 1
Bungeecord luckperms
#2202 opened by aliengameer - 1
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
#2201 opened by hornta - 2
Connection error with mysql help (MariaDB)
#2200 opened by GinoK01 - 1
Messaging service 'pluginmsg' not recognised.
#2199 opened by S4rtox - 2
"Child" permissions
#2198 opened by punchinglikes - 1
Big error in console > Plugin not working
#2197 opened by Orkamicky - 2
Change Message: Running LuckPerms v5.0.x
#2196 opened by Martin-Hausleitner - 6
Need some help with bungeecord setup
#2195 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 1
Permission help with certain plugin
#2194 opened by J5m00th - 11
Permissions not showing in web editor
#2193 opened by connorfarkas - 27
Error, bungee, mysql
#2192 opened - 1
Prefix from offline players
#2191 opened by Katalijst - 10
100% Messages Configurable
#2190 opened by alexybaddie - 1
MariaDB Connection Issues
#2189 opened by cwfryer41 - 5
Getting permissions of offline UUID
#2188 opened by BenHall-1 - 2
Web editor - Always send potentialContexts as an array
#2187 opened by Turbotailz - 2
#2186 opened by BenG271 - 6
when i set permissions in OP it does not work when i deop myself
#2185 opened by JxdenGreen