- 1
/lpb doesn't work
#2184 opened by EvgoGames - 4
Don't have a Console to give rights
#2183 opened by FGBxRamel - 1
Assign a user a different parent automatically
#2182 opened by ThunderDong76 - 4
Server plugin shows user rank, but on database it is stored as a default user
#2181 opened by ClaudioBo - 2
#2180 opened by AdelaPlays - 1
Command Lag, may be Permissions Related
#2179 opened by PintaPepo - 1
Feature request: Search permissions by context in-game
#2178 opened by zkharit - 7
LP not working
#2177 opened by jameslinimk - 3
Avatars in web editor are all Steve on a non-premium server.
#2176 opened by workonfire - 3
Permission is set but, not working
#2175 opened by GoldenSecrets - 2
Not exactly an issue. A question.
#2174 opened by bryanrmelo - 1
LuckPerms Bungee Commands are unable to be executed by Grant plugins
#2173 opened by xDavidG10 - 1
Server shutsdown after 10minutes running.
#2172 opened by assersson - 1
#2171 opened by jasonzgames - 1
Ranks and Permissions Disappearing after restart
#2170 opened by DrSnowPengu - 6
Chat Prefixes not existing, even after setting it
#2169 opened by ApertureDevelopment - 3
Migration from PowerfulPerms threw errors but says succeeded
#2168 opened by Zippyduda - 5
Meta weight inheritance issues [Potentially a feature request?]
#2167 opened by DrZoddiak - 1
LuckPerms Database error [1.7.10]
#2166 opened by Tomi0928 - 4
[Suggestion] Rank with Permission
#2165 opened by Jaimss - 2
LuckPerms Database Error
#2164 opened - 3
#2163 opened by p82183645 - 2
Promotion along a track with server context needs explicit permissions to promote a user to each group
#2162 opened by zkharit - 4
Can't load from self hosted interface(stuck on loading)
#2161 opened by Xenorki - 2
Give permission to everyone?
#2160 opened by Spinbab - 2
"Legacy" import broke between 5.0.72 & 5.0.150
#2159 opened by jlsjonas - 7
Player cannot promote user after setting up that they can promote up to specific group and nothing more.
#2158 opened by silicondev - 4
"Received invalid first login packet!"
#2157 opened by S4rtox - 2
Server Hang thread dump LuckPerms
#2156 opened - 2
just a suggestion
#2155 opened by Ramen1234 - 3
Question regarding a Java 14 issue.
#2154 opened by Numpty-Clodpole - 4
LuckPerms Add on feature
#2153 opened by Steev93 - 2
I canĀ“t see my prefix
#2152 opened by proettgen - 4
WebGUI does not Show User 500+? .Error?
#2151 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
Mysql connect
#2150 opened by Crazed981 - 1
rankgrant+ issue
#2149 opened by ecud - 4
#2145 still doesn't work
#2148 opened by hwalker928 - 1
Config file does not create itself/No config file
#2147 opened by Mikisaurus - 1
End of track
#2146 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 11
Bungeecord error
#2145 opened by hwalker928 - 3
Applyedits command does not update track order
#2144 opened by Turbotailz - 18
Suggestion: Replacing LoginEvent with PostLoginEvent
#2143 opened by BestMark - 1
Muted problem
#2142 opened by GoDragonGoGo - 0
[LP] Permissions data could not be loaded.
#2141 opened by joandotcodina - 1
LuckPerms not working with MySQL/ MariaDB
#2140 opened by laGameTV - 4
How to add spaces to prefixes/suffixes? (Read my Comment?
#2139 opened by tufcat13 - 2
How do you disable plugins on certain worlds in 1.15?
#2138 opened by MillenniumAlpha - 1
User could not be found
#2137 opened by Neeonn - 21
SQL Error
#2136 opened by MrLarkyy - 5
pasting applyedits gives Hostname bytebin.lucko.me not verified exception error
#2134 opened by mrfloris