- 1
Adding to Groups
#2257 opened by Jayfin1 - 1
#2256 opened by DennyResx - 6
MySQL issue
#2255 opened by BryanGmG - 2
server crashes
#2254 opened by MrSnowDK - 2
uuid issue
#2253 opened by MrFreasy - 2
Kicked for permission data not loaded
#2252 opened by MathieuB59 - 2
Make a group for 1 server only
#2251 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 34
Command Blocks giving 2 items instead of 1
#2250 opened by Bladesteel - 2
Suggestion : Add command to give the remaining time for a permission
#2249 opened by anxic - 3
Per track permissions not working
#2248 opened by Krokogator - 2
The LuckPerms API is not loaded.
#2247 opened by LiinxTV - 4
no tp permission - but has the permission
#2246 opened by Akorian - 2
Missing a File
#2245 opened by PrankWars - 2
I can´t put command blocks
#2244 opened by JesusLaCo - 1
Cant set permissions on BungeeCord
#2243 opened by chauveaul - 2
Warning message on fresh server...
#2242 opened by roracle - 12
A error with UUID in Bungee
#2241 opened by Elguerrero11 - 2
LuckPerms server consistent crashing
#2240 opened by ArisDraws - 3
LuckPerms not Syncing
#2239 opened by garrettpfoy - 4
Error on bungee
#2238 opened by 4Cris - 2
Sponge style wildcard option for other plugins
#2237 opened by BrainStone - 12
GeyserMC/Floodgate implementation possible?
#2236 opened by DerLinkman - 2
Error spamming console and causing problems: "Exception thrown during asynchronous load"
#2235 opened by BlueSoapTurtle - 4
Web Editor not working (403 error)
#2234 opened by lujo777 - 20
LuckPermsAPI not working in project
#2233 opened by hamelech2007 - 2
EssentialsX prefix/suffix issue
#2232 opened by cypher90 - 2
Failed to init storage implementation
#2231 opened by aurilly - 9
Maven central LuckPermsAPI is out of date.
#2230 opened by thinkverse - 3
Typing '/lp' or any other /-command in console outputs a java error (no crash though)
#2229 opened by Robby- - 2
Pex importations
#2228 opened by Lunatik934 - 6
List indirectly inherited permissions
#2227 opened by avi12 - 1
Add timestamp to nodes in verbose checks 🙏
#2226 opened by Turbotailz - 8
Error dispatching event PermissionCheckEvent
#2225 opened by ehetteNandaYo - 6
LuckPerms is unable to recover from a MariaDB backend downtime
#2223 opened by sgdc3 - 7
Promote to specific group on a track
#2221 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 6
Luck perms isnt showing the prefix.
#2220 opened by Juliaria08 - 24
[Feature] Passwords to use /LP
#2219 opened by Spontini - 4
[Feature] A way to accept command only through console
#2218 opened by Spontini - 7
Add an option to "copy" a permission's duration and use that duration in another permission
#2217 opened by 02Miki - 3
sql error setting prefix (Incorrect string value)
#2216 opened by PhanaticD - 1
LuckPerms perfix dosen`t work
#2215 opened by hg23 - 5
BungeeCord Network Error
#2214 opened - 7
Issue with magma
#2213 opened by BP2004 - 2
[Inquiry] LuckPerms Connection Frequency and Ideal Connection Pool Size
#2212 opened by A248 - 3
Essentials keepinv and keepxp not working when applied to group
#2210 opened by NerdyKyogre - 2
groups names are all lowercase
#2209 opened by JhueiGitHub - 3
Suffixes and prefixes doesn't work
#2207 opened by MaestroMagnifico - 4
Prefix bug name same color
#2206 opened by Orion81200 - 3
LuckPerms BungeeCord no folder creating.
#2205 opened by chauveaul - 12
SpongeForge Not making Config
#2204 opened