- 5
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.sql.SQLException: Malformed communication packet
#2717 opened by expxx - 1
- 1
LuckPerms-Bukkit-5.1.93 not work's on bungee !
#2715 opened by Matyyye - 4
Towny Permissions not loading on LukcyPerms
#2714 opened by F-luxus - 1
Server Crashing whilist loading LuckPerms
#2713 opened by expxx - 1
Add another condition.
#2712 opened by soswi - 4
Luck perms default installation doesn't work. A database error occurred whilst loading permissions data.
#2711 opened by tdragon00 - 3
Add a command to see the time
#2710 opened by DjeyMute - 18
How to prevent from modifying players with certain group.
#2709 opened by soswi - 3
I have problem
#2708 opened by yStreakBR - 2
LuckPerms disable other plugin and he download only 1 folder
#2707 opened by HotWaves - 4
Error with MariaDB Database
#2706 opened by Sergix7720 - 1
lower weight group overwrites primary group
#2705 opened by VastayanWings - 3
Update me.lucko:adventure-api:4.0.0 to 4.1.1
#2704 opened by Karlatemp - 2
LP 5.2.24 is failing upon startup
#2703 opened by Vulant - 7
Server crashes when command block is used to set permission
#2702 opened by MrPistachios - 2
"mysql" setting no longer working with MariaDB databases
#2701 opened by Turbotailz - 0
Bungee failing to load MySql
#2700 opened by phk01 - 0
A new quality of life command.
#2697 opened by UwuItsDavid - 2
A new command (Quality of life?)
#2696 opened by UwuItsDavid - 1
When i try to do something myslef it says somthing
#2694 opened by billybobjoe123412345678 - 1
LuckPerms won't let me edit users as owner.
#2693 opened by PersonMan65 - 2
Make the group rename command also bulk update the group inheritors.
#2692 opened by emilyy-dev - 4
primary-group: is not taken...
#2691 opened by CloudeLecaw - 5
`lp undoedits <code>`
#2690 opened by Laarryy - 1
[15:10:16 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to LuckPerms v5.2.16
#2689 opened by explodersname - 1
Not all possible permissions shown in the tree under Console user (sponge problem)
#2688 opened by cyb3rm4n - 4
Dysfunctional Placeholders
#2686 opened by Raesak - 1
Additional placeholders, including for other users and offline players
#2685 opened by GenSecrets - 4
LuckPerms plugin unresponsive but still appears in /pl
#2684 opened by CT1138 - 4
One time commands [question]
#2683 opened by djrranga - 1
Having different dialects of the same language completely breaks messages for said language.
#2682 opened by emilyy-dev - 2
Can't set different primary group.
#2681 opened by KatieDeForest - 1
Console spam, I used griefpreventions for 2 years and its the first time that i get this problem:
#2680 opened by vilper - 3
LuckPerms bungee issue
#2679 opened by JHarris12345 - 3
Player Disconnected From Server
#2678 opened by locpx92 - 1
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null on velocity
#2676 opened by TrippyTechLlama - 3
Error with online editor, cannot upload data with bytebin LUCKPERMS
#2673 opened by vilper - 0
Left unformatted color coded database ping indicator in v5.2
#2670 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
Velocity | No Command Output
#2669 opened by Diamondman121314 - 0
Add a lock button to contexts in the web editor
#2667 opened by Unix101 - 7
Missing permissions
#2666 opened by Tenkomanker - 1
PowerRanks migration
#2665 opened - 4
Loading errors
#2664 opened by x9nico - 0
Temporary meta nodes expiry time are not present on meta info command.
#2663 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
Ranks Tree (read please)
#2662 opened by Georgak - 1
MySQL Userdata Error
#2661 opened by Skeptic12 - 0
#2660 opened by Georgak - 3
- 4
Potential compatibility issue with MySQL 8
#2658 opened by Tommakazi