- 3
placeholder of %luckperms_group_expiry_time_<groupname>% is not rihgt
#2657 opened by minecraft-dripdrop - 3
Server Crash
#2656 opened by TUCAOEVER - 11
Operations performarce decreasing over time
#2655 opened by emanondev - 1
Bungeecoord LP error
#2654 opened by Dr0mus - 2
The Plugins crashed ?
#2653 opened by bacogi - 0
My Luck Perms wont work on my server
#2652 opened by bacogi - 5
Double Group in chat
#2650 opened by Krakatuk56 - 1
Database Error
#2649 opened by eliyash31 - 4
Stacking prefix won't work!
#2648 opened by exelash - 1
Add a bulkupdating feature to add a multiple server context in a permission that already has a server context.
#2646 opened by ShockCharge - 12
How can i get the Expire date from an temporary added group using /user xy parent addtemp? Cant ask on discord right now because i am blocked.
#2645 opened by einfachBlu - 3
I can chat on my server
#2644 opened by Zernel09 - 7
Issues with server reloads
#2643 opened by djrranga - 2
Filter for lists from commands
#2642 opened by haloflooder - 19
Luckperms setting 2 prefixes
#2641 opened by cb12438 - 1
UUID/name glitch (Bungeecord version)
#2640 opened - 2
Circular inheritance causing permission bug.
#2639 opened by mibby - 4
Permission Description
#2638 opened by hellot1m - 5
Suggestion: block certain groups of permissions from appearing in the web editor
#2637 opened by lokka30 - 6
LuckPerms is spamming my console??
#2636 opened by BadgerISP - 2
Attempt at reading data after H2 database connection is closed.
#2635 opened by emilyy-dev - 2
Group prefix and suffix placeholders
#2634 opened by VendoAU - 3
LuckPerms Prefix not being assigned
#2632 opened by Rehrocko - 19
Unable to upload permission data to the editor.
#2631 opened - 7
Bug on LucKPerm
#2630 opened by DjeyMute - 1
[SUGGESTION] Rank specific permissions
#2629 opened by EvilPandaMan - 2
Luckperms Bungeecord not working D:
#2628 opened by Zpes - 9
Random context when adding parent/promoting on track
#2627 opened by DriesMelkebeke - 2
Parse hex colors in LP command outputs
#2626 opened by paulpls - 4
Changes don't save
#2625 opened by Prometheus2048 - 2
Specifying the same format twice (or more) should apply the second best match
#2624 opened by BrainStone - 7
I get kicked when i do `/lp` then hit space, after setting up bungeecord
#2623 opened by MrMcyeet - 2
I can't enable luckperms
#2622 opened by andrew070124 - 1
Prefix & Suffix Stacking does not work
#2621 opened by bitpickle - 1
lang.yml not working (in some cases)
#2620 opened by beeboy07 - 3
Unable to open web editor.
#2619 opened by Blizz2210 - 6
Extra users being added
#2618 opened by DaddyGamerGuy - 10
luck perms is not compatible with a plugin
#2617 opened by broken1arrow - 10
#2616 opened by Frostyyyyyy - 2
Timed Ranks
#2615 opened by Troopsdv - 5
PaperSpigot 1.8.8
#2614 opened by rgoth-main - 10
Command to parent people to a group for a certain amount of time
#2613 opened by fgulde - 1
Luckperms doesnt work after update to Paper 1.16.2
#2612 opened by EscolarProgramming - 2
Empty DSRV Context Values IllegalArgumentException
#2611 opened by Laarryy - 5
1.16.2 LuckPerms issue
#2610 opened by JasonMCs - 4
Option in the Config for Short-Time Permissions
#2609 opened by fgulde - 4
Permissions not updating
#2608 opened by EpicPuppy613 - 4
Bungee Console SEVERE Error accessing editor
#2607 opened by myk3sr - 2
papi display error
#2606 opened by asdf80730 - 1
Removing groups from a specified user with specific meta tags.
#2605 opened by Ash10744