- 3
Luckperms + fastlogin error
#2604 opened by frogglen - 11
FileWatcher does not trigger for servers that have a symbolic link yaml-storage
#2603 opened by TomLewis - 3
Confirmation for import backup
#2601 opened by GiaNTizmO - 3
Temp Permission (Not implying timed permissions)
#2600 opened by TrevorMickelson - 0
Change default value of "use-vault-server" from true to false.
#2599 opened by emilyy-dev - 3
"NoSuchMethodError: com.google.gson.JsonObject.size()I"
#2598 opened by emilyy-dev - 3
Luckperms fails to load on Nukkit
#2597 opened by mzyax - 10
Luckperms cannot connect to MySQL in Pterodactyl
#2596 opened by filliravaz - 15
Bring back actual usernames (not lowercased) when displaying info to the user
#2595 opened by kmecpp - 5
luck perms issue with towny
#2594 opened by Kbryst - 1
Add Consecutive Option for Parent AddTemp
#2593 opened by Glac0 - 6
ExtraContext for wg-regions doesn't work in 1.16+
#2592 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 2
Luckperms Placeholder Expiry Time not working correct
#2591 opened by blakedj012 - 2
User group add is not a command under users in documentation
#2590 opened by eodrambo - 1
[bug] crash on 1.16.2 Paper
#2589 opened by Gaming1111 - 2
ExtraContext for wg-regions doesn't work with FAWE
#2588 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 9
[bug]crash on 1.16.2
#2587 opened by DEADLYDEVIL-IR - 6
Commands.yml Issue
#2586 opened by JessePesse123 - 1
Connection me.lucko.luckperms.lib.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@4f03c043 marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08S01), ErrorCode(0)
#2585 opened by IITFA - 6
LuckPerms not working with WorldGuard
#2584 opened by Doomce - 0
Show that node is transient in command output
#2583 opened by clienthax - 1
Use pgjdbc-ng driver for PostgreSQL storage backend.
#2582 opened by mikroskeem - 5
Bungeeecord Issue on Cancelling LoginEvent (In my plugin)
#2581 opened by Splitrox - 3
[Feature] custom fields for connecting the database
#2580 opened by TOWUK - 11
Getting disconnected when I execute LuckPerms commands
#2579 opened by x9nico - 12
Luckperms Bungeecord perm problem.
#2578 opened by M0n3yng - 1
Bungeecord,one paper server can't set permission
#2577 opened by mrcang09 - 4
Option to remove a Luckperms Editor Link
#2576 opened by Redwolf223 - 1
[Suggestion] Add offline parsing
#2575 opened by WarnDa - 1
1.7 Bungeecord
#2574 opened by JuceyDrop - 8
Minecraft Server Icon Error
#2573 opened by JensGamerYT - 3
Spam in console
#2571 opened by WIBOR2002222 - 2
Not an issue, just wondering where your code for Tab Completion is at?
#2570 opened by realwakils - 13
Error on load
#2569 opened by AbooseYou - 1
Can't add prefixes/suffixes with a period from the web editor
#2568 opened by Turbotailz - 1
Change world name
#2567 opened by mcqwy - 4
Chat Prefixes are not Displaying at ALL in Chat
#2566 opened by one-and-only - 4
[SUGGESTION] Create a group modifier so that it only allows one of a set of groups.
#2565 opened by jvdoorn - 1
[SUGGESTION] Allow wildcards for group names
#2564 opened by jvdoorn - 18
/lp editor not working (luckperms)
#2563 opened by JensGamerYT - 2
Server crash with DiscordSRV enabled on Mohist servers
#2562 opened by Scarsz - 5
Default permission for Minecraft.command.help
#2561 opened by truaddict - 1
When updating a prefix the prefix is not pushing to some members
#2560 opened by Camebridge - 1
[Suggestion] - Additional Placeholder
#2559 opened by GenSecrets - 1
players data
#2558 opened by Thomass368 - 4
Meta Formatting Producing Incorrect Stacked Prefix
#2557 opened by Caaethil - 3
My server crashed abnormally
#2556 opened - 1
Werid postgresql error on every startup
#2555 opened by bigfinfrank - 1
Bungeecord having problem with Luckeperms.
#2554 opened by M0n3yng - 0
Error while loading plugin and /lp sync
#2553 opened by x9nico