- 4
My group (developer) and all other roles / groups are duplicating pls help
#2552 opened by DupeJosh - 1
[Suggestion] Prevent non-player sources from executing commands
#2551 opened by shinyafro - 3
page editor just shows black screen
#2550 opened by GreensaPenguin - 1
Problems with Gamemode 1
#2549 opened by MoTastisch - 1
Unregister event and unsubscribe.
#2548 opened by Samuele1818 - 4
Difficulty with the minecraft.command.help
#2547 opened by X5RaPiDZZ - 1
LuckPerms multiple prefixes not working
#2546 opened by somerandomsteve - 10
Trouble giving group prefix (Prefix: None)
#2545 opened by PickleClick - 2
Issue when setting a user's LP bungeecord group
#2544 opened by realsaddayyy - 0
Prefix Weird Help
#2543 opened by JokeyGaming - 2
LuckPerms not installing into server
#2542 opened by BlightfulBrady - 11
Hexa prefix & suffix
#2541 opened by Tylwen - 0
Data-base error on stop
#2540 opened by TitiOnFire - 1
[Bug] SQL error - Connection is not available, request timed out after 5001ms.
#2539 opened by momoservertw - 3
#2538 opened by einsblack - 1
MYSQL Error in BungeeCord Server startup.
#2537 opened by ablac - 1
Server crashing
#2536 opened by duckiesek - 2
Luckperms issue with placeholderapi %luckperms_group_expiry_time_vip% not working as it should.
#2535 opened by arturek1666 - 1
After restart, prefixes are reset
#2534 opened - 1
Weird user glitch?
#2533 opened by Zenomac - 1
Server Crash
#2532 opened by Nilrats08 - 1
Could not pass FMLPreInitializationEvent
#2531 opened by HummeL-AL - 7
Permission unset commands takes `false` value of permission as context `server=false` when unsetting permission
#2530 opened by Laarryy - 3
LuckPerms Issue causing crash
#2529 opened by jpoblocki77 - 1
Plugin attempted to register task while disabled
#2528 opened by dudematthew - 0
"/op" sends message even if event is cancelled on highest priority
#2527 opened by YouHaveTrouble - 1
[BUG] require-sender-group-membership-to-modify
#2526 opened by zettlinger - 16
Symbolic link for yaml-storage gives java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
#2525 opened by TomLewis - 4
Error with SQL
#2524 opened by Azuuno - 1
Implement weight calculations for non-prefix/suffix meta key/value pairs.
#2523 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
Exception on join/quit
#2522 opened by i3ym - 1
user-info-data in lang.yml not working
#2521 opened by mutsiez - 2
Prefix Stacking
#2520 opened by M1st3rMinecraft - 1
LuckPerms | helpme pls
#2519 opened by MineShark - 1
Luckperms Error when add plugin on BungeeCord
#2518 opened by SharkblackFr - 0
Lucky perms not working right
#2517 opened by Jaruto - 2
MySQL and error MaxLifeTime
#2516 opened by Lyrians - 1
Prefixes in game
#2515 opened by Diddyski - 4
Instance on the bungeecord
#2514 opened by Faall1n - 1
Placeholder not shown correctly
#2513 opened by Srborjaa - 2
[feature] LuckPerms as Forge mod
#2512 opened by Minecraftschurli - 3
Error on joining to the server
#2511 opened by Adrigamer2950 - 14
SSL-Certificate invalid for bytebin.lucko.me
#2510 opened by Minecraftschurli - 5
Waterdog & CloudNet
#2509 opened by Supermann77 - 2
Support for multiple World Contexts per permission
#2507 opened by baailey - 1
Wildcards for permission contexts
#2506 opened by Ivan8or - 2
Wont load on paper
#2505 opened by Josefikos - 5
Groups are not syncing in a bungee network
#2504 opened by Xorbite - 9
Very high timing
#2503 opened by RazzerDE - 2
Time permission to increase
#2502 opened by botany111