- 2
Commands not working
#3302 opened by SkyDraks - 1
OP can't command bukkit command.
#3301 opened by Ecilpse - 3
1.17.1 donĀ“t detect player perms as it should on bungee conected server
#3289 opened by broken1arrow - 1
Problem with permission staff chat plugin
#3290 opened by TymekSL - 2
Minecraft Forge version
#3291 opened by Minecraftschurli - 3
web editor idea
#3292 opened by LeitoCc187 - 1
better analyze of Permission Calculation / debug methods for Permission Problems
#3293 opened by RedstoneFuture - 1
Support env var
#3294 opened by HookWoods - 1
Connection Timeout Causes Sever Crash
#3296 opened by DarkArc - 1
support UUID bedrock players
#3297 opened by TOWUK - 0
#3298 opened by joaoespanhol - 4
Luckperm server side commands not recognized with client running Forge version 39.0.46 or later.
#3299 opened by TheMethodicalJosh - 4
1.10 servers freezing on startup with LP
#3300 opened by Sir-Will - 2
Command execution [editor] has not completed. Trace:
#3314 opened by Chypik - 1
permissions data for your user was not loaded during the pre-login stage - unable to continue. Please try again later. If you are a server admin, please check the console for any errors.
#3315 opened by Sno0pyD0g - 1
Possible conflict with other plugins (Delete)
#3316 opened by cj1705 - 2
Possible Plugin Conflict causing plugins to crash as well as the server
#3317 opened by cj1705 - 1
The translation will not work when switching servers using bungee.
#3304 opened by XXY233 - 1
LuckPermsReseting after restart
#3305 opened by Zidian5467 - 1
SQL issues.
#3306 opened by MithrandirCraft - 3
User list resets
#3307 opened by Dracathio - 6
Sponge NoClassDefFoundError sometimes
#3308 opened by whimxiqal - 0
Cancelling the connection for some users
#3319 opened by pntvv - 7
Granting all permissions doesn't work (*)
#3310 opened by sitapea1337 - 1
Unable to suppress DynMap permissions for Default group
#3311 opened by DrekiLunin - 3
Luckperms not work properly with the latest forge (36.2.28) + SpongeForge
#3312 opened by ShunL12324 - 7
Function to delete all users
#3313 opened by SnonSS - 2
Unable to load dependency
#3320 opened by SlimeDog - 4
cmd /lp editor
#3322 opened by mani1232 - 2
MongoDB not connecting
#3323 opened by rivangek - 6
LuckPerms not working on BungeeCord(with MongoDB)
#3324 opened by rivangek - 3
YAML storage type not working on 5.4.5 for Fabric 1.18.1
#3325 opened by eliskvitka - 8
Shutdown error after updating permissions via web editor
#3326 opened by repeater64 - 1
lp editor error
#3327 opened by Apiz05 - 1
why i dont can use prefix in bungee luckperms i need help for that if you can give me bungee prefix plugin the
#3328 opened by Sa7mB - 1
Smaller export file size
#3329 opened by maxcom1 - 1
an idea to block grievors
#3342 opened by JeysonSK - 1
impossible to place command block
#3343 opened by JadeInTheSky - 1
Support flat adding for bulk editing
#3344 opened by NaspoDev - 3
Non Assignable Groups
#3331 opened by Sxtanna - 4
make it possible that we can delete the default group
#3332 opened by Strikerpro21 - 1
Permission not applied through the API
#3333 opened by magrigry - 1
Option to disable MongoDB logger
#3334 opened by maxcom1 - 7
Ability to remove parents with a specific weight from a user
#3335 opened by Chris6ix - 1
[Its possible to do this?
#3336 opened by msmanui - 1
not getting chatformatter plugin for nukkit server
#3338 opened by Rubbi12 - 3
Database Addres Issues
#3337 opened by mowmowkittycat - 2
Setup server name through the API and/or environment variable
#3339 opened by schneidermr - 3
User Authenticator - Crash
#3346 opened by duarbala - 5
Luckperms Fabric slow shutdown process
#3347 opened by himekifee