- 11
#1528 opened by Kotenol - 1
Permission applied Energestics crafting storage imbreacable
#1527 opened by chouuul - 5
Bug with LP/BungeeChat2
#1526 opened by Cosido - 4
LuckPerms 4.4.18 and 4.4.19 - Gson StackOverflowError
#1525 opened by Porama6400 - 7
#1524 opened by successed - 3
Luckperms-bungee doesn't close threads properly
#1523 opened by KarlOfDuty - 2
3 Groups - 3 Perms
#1522 opened by DesperoKF - 3
Configurations for bungee and spigot has error on messaging-services
#1521 opened by Stattx - 9
LuckPerms incompatibility with Staff+
#1520 opened by call911nowplz - 2
How do I use LuckPerms BungeeCord?
#1519 opened by DexenTV - 2
How to give console permission to use commands?
#1518 opened by Tenkomanker - 1
Cannot load LuckPerms API for BungeeCord Plugin
#1517 opened by BomBardyGamer - 2
Existing group meta is not properly inherited
#1516 opened by Aaron1011 - 3
[Question] Pex Migrate users primary group
#1515 opened by x1p - 13
Context for weights
#1514 opened by Vankka - 6
Prevent users in "lower" groups from editing users in "higher" groups
#1512 opened by AeSix - 1
Issue deleted
#1511 opened - 5
Make verbose only show permissions that have changed
#1510 opened by Andre601 - 1
suggestion: list online players with group-order
#1508 opened by RedstoneFuture - 1
Bungeecord errors.
#1507 opened by LeeGodSRC - 3
LP trying to load Brigadier when that is a 1.13.2 thing
#1506 opened by LagClear - 3
Meta Issues
#1505 opened by Yorkforce - 0
#1504 opened by LukysGaming - 4
Prefixes aren't working,
#1503 opened by ThatOneWolfe - 7
WorldEdit and LuckPerms doesnt work together on my server
#1502 opened by Vecarn - 3
Migration from PEX: default group
#1501 opened by x1p - 1
Issue while connecting to database.
#1500 opened by Slipest - 3
Cannot add custom subject as parent to user (Sponge)
#1499 opened by ItsDoot - 2
Add restriction to parent set
#1498 opened by basman93 - 1
Trying to set up mysql storage and getting this error bungee.
#1497 opened by hnmitch - 1
MySQL - request timed out
#1496 opened by DarkoGNU - 1
Nucleus Setupperms No longer working with newer updates
#1495 opened by DrZoddiak - 2
/afk and suffix's in tab
#1494 opened by tadhgboyle - 4
Loading error
#1493 opened by RikoDEV - 4
Luck perms disconnecting issue
#1492 opened by AlekseyTitov99 - 2
Commands not appearing in the Web Editor?
#1491 opened by Crumbzttv - 6
YAML combined permissions file not working
#1490 opened by Onyxtite - 1
What means this error
#1489 opened by InvixYT - 10
Running multiple commands with a tiny/no delay reports success, but doesn't update DB
#1488 opened by liam-wiltshire - 2
Luckperms placeholder API (Some not working)
#1487 opened by blek-id - 2
Adding worldguard region as context
#1485 opened by david-bla - 3
Not an issues
#1484 opened by DevilishDante - 4
Suggestion - addtemp command
#1483 opened by blek-id - 0
Console Error
#1482 opened by MageFX - 1
Using UTF-8 Characters Inside Prefix/Suffix In-Game Generates a Console Warning
#1481 opened by Pheotis - 2
Prefix Stacking does not work with contextually applied prefixes
#1480 opened by Hwiggy - 2
Placeholders api fails to get rank
#1479 opened by Alexhupp - 15
Issue in only specific server
#1478 opened by Arttu1 - 4
[LP] An database error occurred whilst loading permissions data. Please try again later.
#1477 opened by isXander - 2
Having trouble with prefixes.
#1476 opened by thegalaxydev