Macaw's Furniture

Macaw's Furniture


About Macaw's Furniture Mod 3.0.2
Ever wanted to have lots and lots of furniture for your Minecraft houses? Or just release your inner creative beast to create different combinations of furniture? If yes, then you came to the right place my friend!

Macaw's Furniture focuses on different styles of furniture and customization. You can place them on top of each other to create different combinations, merge them to make them wider or taller as much as you want. Store your stuff in various types of furniture, or just sit down on a chair and relax.

If you decide to update to the 3.0.0 from a lower furniture version, they are not compatible.
So please be sure to create a backup save of your world, or just remove anything stored in your furniture
and put them in something else. The ID's have been changed so they are organised correctly, this means that
everything placed in an earlier version will be removed. I'm sorry but this had to be done.

Macaw's Furniture - 3.0.0 Update Showcase

Click on the picture above, use my code sketchmacaw to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!

Join our discord and report any issues or just leave your feedback :)