magical things

magical things



magical wrench

portal igniter

blaze totem

long arm magic paper

shield spell

corrupted diamond
corrupted diamond block
corrupted diamond nugget

end crown

thunder crown

basic magic wand:

    •set on fire block

    •send item 

    •dooble jump

sun offering

rain offering

thunder offering:

magical things book

a book about magic
french fries

reinforced netherite helmet

reinforced netherite chesplate

reinforced netherite leggins 

reinforced netherite boots


basalt bricks
basalt bricks stairs
basalt bricks wall
basalt bricks button
basalt bricks pressure plate
rotten flesh block

shield block

name hider :

  •tier 1

  •tier 2

  •tier 3

  •tier 4

  •tier 5

  •tier 6

item translocator

fez (with the 16 colours of minecraft)


the underworld:

  • to acces it you have to fall int the overworld void while wearing all piece of the reinfirced netherite armor

                                                 (put elytras when you are in the dimension else you will die of fall damage)

  • it is a void dimension there is only floating island
  • you can make a path to the void by using the bedrock lock structure


bedrock lock:

  • it is a structture that generate at y=0 and
  • there is always a ruined weather altar at the surface above this structture
  • when you use a bedrock key on the bedrock lock it opens a path to void

magical tower:

  • contains a book about magic
    • contains a bed
    • contains a lot of bookshelf and other things

how to use magic:

first you have to find a book about magic then right click in air with it and then go to sleep and after that you will be able to use all magic items