A mod that follows the same principles as Random Things & Extra Utilities; adding unusual and random features that don't make sense. As of now, there are many different forms of clouds that spawn in specific places. Tooltips will describe what that specific block/item does.
There is a cloud called "Energised Cloud" that behaves like a 3D pressure plate. It can be configured by right-clicking with Copper Ingots, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots to switch to discriminate between All Entities, Item Entities & Living Entities respectively. All clouds can be pacified/activated to perform said ability or not. Dispensers have been given the ability to peform said transformations on their own (assuming they are laced with the appropriate materials). The aforementioned abilities allow deep integration with redstone, enabling highly complex networks in a vanilla-esque style.
Design Philosophy
Obviously, there are all too many mods that add random features as well. But this mod tries to differ by avoiding the typical "smelt these 47 materials and make 10 different machines to process it into 7 components that you craft to get the tool you need to make x feature". Instead, GUI's will be avoided when possible in favour of direct interaction. Different things spawn in different places so you must explore to find them. And it's features are purposely made unreliable but farmable so as to not be overpowered.
Current Features
- Clouds: A set of blocks that have varying abilities and applications. They spawn in specific locations and can be crafted together to make new clouds that have their own functions.
Planned Features
- Resource Crystals: Can be grown and drop specific materials based on their colour.
- Chromatic Trees: Adding a farmable form of dyes that can be applied to crystals and clouds. Gives small amount of experience whilst processing.
- Mythic Materials: Adding unique materials possessing unique properties that are unfound in other mods.
- Tough As Nails: The dense cloud will restore your thirst bar like the cherry cloud does to your hunger.
- The Aether: All clouds (even the ones locked behind cloud mixing) will spawn in the aether.