Bug - onRenderGameOverlayPost not actually rendering above all Hud Elements
EnricoMessall opened this issue ยท 0 comments
In the current 1.21.1 version of Malilib the injection of onRenderGameOverlayPost is done like this:
public abstract class MixinInGameHud
@Shadow @Final private MinecraftClient client;
@Inject(method = "render", at = @At("RETURN"))
private void onGameOverlayPost(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter, CallbackInfo ci)
((RenderEventHandler) RenderEventHandler.getInstance()).onRenderGameOverlayPost(context, this.client, tickCounter.getTickDelta(false));
but the render function there already has rendered all layers and disabled depth tests again:
public void render(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter) {
this.layeredDrawer.render(context, tickCounter);
in the mod AdvancedChatHUD that results in chat boxes being behind the Hud
1.20.1 with MaliLib and AdvancedChatHUD
1.21.1 with MaliLib and AdvancedChatHUD
to fix that i've created a Mixin in AdvancedChatHUD that changes the onRenderGameOverlayPost to inject into layeredDrawer from Mojang to guarantee its rendered as the last layer