- 3
Game Crash
#146 opened by DingusBoy1 - 3
[Question]: Prevent action printing to action bar?
#145 opened by BioTechproject27 - 4
version documentation
#138 opened by KittyBoiUwU - 2
Minecraft fabric crashes upon starting
#139 opened by DarkMOQN - 2
MaFgLib-0.1.6-mc1.20.1.jar throws error when trying to play game. There are no other mods loaded..
#144 opened by Aahzhotep - 1
MaLiLib not compatible with some mods in this modpack
#143 opened by AaronPesch - 0
[Fabric 1.19 port 3] Dropdowns are rendered in wrong order (or miss back filling)
#96 opened by maxsupermanhd - 1
#97 opened by MrKubilas - 3
Game keeps crashing on linux
#101 opened by tropicthedev - 1
incomplete mod set?
#102 opened by CcNicebruh - 2
Download misslabed
#103 opened by Kerbal-Man - 1
Game Crash While going through a nether portal
#104 opened by DoesNet - 1
develop a document
#106 opened by VnTao - 1
`StringUtils.getWorldOrServerName` returns `null` if Minecraft is started with `--server` option (autoconnect)
#107 opened by globau - 4
Fabric Installation crashes on 1.19.3
#108 opened by themaker710 - 1
getInventoryItemCounts doesn’t support bundles
#148 opened by johndrinkwater - 0
Some of the configurations lost after restarting the game
#147 opened by FallingSand - 1
Game issue
#109 opened by hexadecimal233 - 5
Game crash
#111 opened by jerry0314 - 1
Game crash
#110 opened by zgaop - 1
Screen broken
#113 opened by Daniel99j2 - 3
Not able to input "Scroll Up/Down" as hotkey
#112 opened by ErikderFreak - 6
Immersive Portals Issue
#116 opened by Drew-Chase - 1
Minecraft Fabric 1.18.2 keeps on crashing when i press options
#119 opened by Spyridon-X - 2
cant install
#120 opened by pburger24 - 2
Unability to register a keyboard
#122 opened by berriest - 12
Modrinth support?
#123 opened by TecEash1 - 2
Game Crash
#124 opened by hoyy1337 - 5
A problem has happened with **WidgetSlider**
#132 opened by Panda98277 - 0
How to use in my fabric mod
#127 opened by Panda98277 - 0
[HELP]How to initialize "WidgetSlider"
#130 opened by Panda98277 - 1
[Suggestion] Add Vec3iConfig / BlockPosConfig
#133 opened by sebseb7 - 1
#136 opened by LangKeWAVE - 8
StackOverflowException when scrolling down in litematica config menu
#149 opened by EvilCodeZ - 11
#154 opened by PukPukov - 2
1.21 pls!!!
#157 opened by yhrwd - 1
Support for modrinth?
#155 opened by EagyOnGithub - 2
Where can i find 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 source code versions?
#159 opened by Kastle253 - 2
Malilib 1.21 gettind detected by windows antivirus
#160 opened by Batman53224 - 1
hotkey config can't handle input from f13-f24 keys
#162 opened by TheoCGaming - 0
Bug - onRenderGameOverlayPost not actually rendering above all Hud Elements
#163 opened by EnricoMessall - 0
Certain Functions not working
#165 opened by sgoh01 - 2
The mod is giving an error
#167 opened by amopudim - 7
There are many errors in MiniHUD's Korean translation
#168 opened by Dbit0 - 5
0.22.1 crashing on Minecraft 1.21.3
#169 opened by Benjamin-C - 2
Screen size problem
#170 opened by OrozcoMon - 4
Game crash in 1.21.4 from `getSpeedAndJumpStrengthFromNbt()`
#171 opened by tquin - 1
isRegularInventorySlot has wrong implementation
#172 opened by PunChen - 0
bugs a arreglar
#173 opened by imnick35 - 0
add 'library' modmenu badge to fmj
#174 opened by Poopooracoocoo