There are many errors in MiniHUD's Korean translation
Dbit0 opened this issue · 7 comments
Negative X - 마이너스 X (minus X)
Positive X - 양의 X
Negative Z - 음의 Z
Positive Z - 양의 Z
The translation of "Negative X" is wrong
(Original - incomplete translation -> complete translation)
Generic - 일반적인 -> 일반
Colors - 그림 물감 -> 색깔
beaconRange - 비콘범위 -> 신호기 범위
axolotlTooltips - 악솔로틀도구 설명 -> 아홀로틀 툴팁
beeTooltips - 꿀벌도구 설명 -> 꿀벌 툴팁
bundlePreview - 번들미리보기 -> 꾸러미 미리보기
RESET - 다시 놓기 -> 리셋 or 재설정
There are too many mistranslations, so I'll write this down first
I can't understand because it feels like it's translated into a translator
It has been removed from the current versions. If you wish to contribute, let me know.
Can I translate malilib based mods into Korean?
I was translating some of them but gave up because of the amount of text
I have a Korean MiniHUD file from another player that I forgot to include in the latest build, they did go over it as a human:
And this is the crowdin file from MaLiLib, which needs review / fixing:
You can also read the previous Korean MiniHUD thread here: