Short Information:
This mod is not an exact replica of the actual Mariokart game. However it is pretty close. There are two maps total(more are planned to be added in the future) that are randomly selected when you right click a certain item(more on that below).
There are four items in the game total: 1. Place Map Tool 2. Start Countdown Tool 3. Mariokart Spawn Egg 4. The Rainbow Block.
First of all, the place map tool is what places the map. As said above, there are two maps and are randomly selected when you right click the tool. Second, the countdown tool. This is used to start a three second countdown for the race. I only tested this mod with myself, so if you countdown doesn't display for all players, let me know! Third, the mariokart spawn egg. When you place this spawn egg, it will spawn the kart from mariokart. You have to right click it to ride it, you don't ride in the actual kart itself but I will try to fix that in the future. Fourth and last of all, the rainbow block. There is not much explaining on this block because it currently does not have a use. However, I plan to add it to more maps in the future to give you a speed boost or something similar to that. That's all of the items and their functionality in the game.
Final Information:
That's all the information you should need to know execpt for one thing which is that before you start the race, all of the karts have to be behind the lime wool. However, you can make your own rules if you would like or modify the map too! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the mod and hopefully more features will be added in the future!