Marium's Soulslike Weaponry

Marium's Soulslike Weaponry


Desperately Need More Config!

DarkFighter5000 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This mod is amazing and I would love to use it in an RPG modpack but I need way more config options to make it work with the rest of the modpack. To put it simply I want to be able to customize EVERYTHING the mod has to offer to get some simple but crisp boss fights into the game.

Options I need a config for:

  • speed attribute of each boss
  • the frequency of each attack of each boss (and the ability to turn them off)
  • a whitelist for what mobs and projectiles the Monarch of Chaos can use
  • a way to remove the modded weapons from the boss drops
  • a way to remove all drops from creatures summoned by a boss

The specific features I'm having trouble with:

  • The movement speed of the Frenzied Shade - It's too fast and can always easily catch up to the player. I want to decrease its speed. Also the Returning Knight and Decaying King are a bit too slow, it would be nice if I could adjust their speed to my liking.
  • The "Shadow & Moonlight" attack of the Frenzied Shade - It's impossible to dodge and instantly kills the player. It would be neat if I could either disable that move entirely or make it much weaker.
  • The extent of "Adaptive Force" passive of the Old Champion's Remains - It's a great concept but in a modpack where the player relies on their class' specific weapons to deal good damage simply swapping weapons is not an option. Perhaps if it could cap out at a customizable resistance level and I could change the rate of the scaling I could find a perfectly balanced state where it has an impact on the fight but still doesn't make the boss impossible to defeat.
  • The modded weapon, armor and tool drops from each boss and modded mob - The weapons are super cool but like I mentioned before the class system I'm trying to use doesn't allow much leniency. Therefore I feel the need to remove all the unnecessary modded tools both from drops and crafting to make them less, distracting. Additionally I'm not sure if your mod added a new type of ore that could generate in the world but if it did I'd be greatful if I could turn the generation off.
  • The types of projectiles and mobs the Monarch of Chaos can summon - The Monarch of Chaos is way too random for my liking, the projectile attacks could either instakill you without warning or shover you with XP right after you take cover. Additionally the summon ability spawns way too many mobs for what the players can handle at a time. The Chungus just rush you down and as a single target wizard with no mobility options you can't do anything to stop them. I think a whitelist of projectiles and mobs of what the Monarch of Chaos can summon would solve my issue, as well as a limit to how many mobs it can spawn at a time and how frequently.

As I was testing out the mod the game crashed while I was fighting the Fallen Icon boss.
I haven't got to fighting the Day Stalker & Night Prowler yet.


These are great points. I'll look into and solve as many as I can, such as whitelisting attacks, list of projectiles/mobs and other stats of the bosses.

Some of the points mentioned can already be solved however:

  • In the config there is a line called old_champions_remains_hits_before_growing_resistant (long name I know) which determines how many hits needed before the damage is reduced, this can be changed to whatever integer you'd like
  • The drops of the bosses have been made into generated json files that can be overwritten by making a custom data pack with the same name as the file in the loot_tables folder (see the generated folder)
  • For all the bosses there is a damage modifier value in the config which you can change to reduce or increase the damage of the bosses, since it is a modifier it works like this: damage * damage_modifier_from_config = new_damage, meaning if you change it to lets say 0.75 (replacing the previous 1), the boss will only do 75% of it's original damage

Hope this info helped in some way. I will keep this post in mind when making the next update.


Under Frienzied Shade's Shadow & Moonlight attack instakills player, can't disable! #124 you replied this, I want to adress that first!

Your reply:
"There is an attack damage modifier in the config for the Frenzied Shade, change it to a value lower than one to reduce it's damage. This will lower all of it's damage though.

Keep in mind that you can block the Moonlight beam it shoots out at you with a shield. The fights aren't supposed to be easy, but aren't meant to be fought with leather/gold armor either, so maybe it's best to lower the damage modifier in general through the config."

Unfortunately changing the damage value of the Frienzied Shade doesn't apply to the damage of that specific attack as the main damage source is the affects it apply, not the hit itself. These effects I believe are Wither and Decay. I'm unsure whether the Decay damages the player every tick or if each attack applies the Decay effect again and that causes damage again because the outcome is the same: player dies within a second. Using a shield or armor with better protection are not viable options for me, there are designated armor sets for the classes available that passively boost the other stats of the player. They also have means to cast spells and right click is necessary for that. Not only would the shield be out of place but it would also clash with other aspects of the game.

Now about your other reply here:
I'm glad to hear you are willing to make changes for that I asked. I'm sad to say however that I did carefully examine each of my options before writing you here and none of the problems I listed have an ideal fix with the config options already in place.

To further detail:

  • I am aware of the called old_champions_remains_hits_before_growing_resistant config option. With it I can pretty much get rid of the Old Champion's Remains' resistance mechanic. However this is not ideal for me. The adapting ability of the boss I think is a great idea and I fear removing it would take too much of its identity. Unfortunately I can't simply find an ideal number of attacks after which if can start resisting to serve as a 'last stand' as many of the classes I use have laser beam like abilities that deal damage frequently but deal relatively low damage. These attacks count as multiple small hits and increase the resistance of the boss way too fast. (I looked into some numbers, after ~75 hits the boss would already have 95%< resistance which would only be 3-4 uses of that specific spell what in total only deals ~200 damage without any resistance) This is why I asked for a resistance cap the boss can build up that can be changed in the config and a way to change how or how fast it can build up resistance. I was hoping you might add these options to the config, although I understand if you deem it too much work for such a small accomodation.
  • I am aware that I can change the drops with a datapack, my issue with that is I would have to add that datapack to each world I generate with the modpack. I saw you already had the option to remove crafting recepies in your config, I was hoping you planned to add config for the dropped weapons as well. I sure would be glad if you did but do understand and accept it if you deem it too much work.
  • I am aware of the damage modifier config that each boss has. I already explained in reply to your first comment why that wouldn't solve my issue with the Frienzied Shade. It's damage comes from the effect, not directly from the attack, therefore the config doesn't apply. I asked for the ability to change the frequency of attacks (and to be able to remove some entirely) specifically because of that attack of the Frienzied Shade. I assumed it would be much less work than allowing the effects it applies to be changed. Regardless, either would solve my problem but the damage modifier we already have doesn't work for that.

I appreciate your help and that you try to accomodate for my requests as you develop your modpack. With that said I will be eagerly waiting for a new release and thank you!

PS.: While I've already pretty much made a sizeable wish list I would like to ask for one more feature if I may. Can you make the bosses scale with multiplayer? Specifically the HP and amount of loot you get. The boss of a new mod "Dungeon Now Loading 1%" gains +50% health for every player who was there at the start of the fight and it gives them all seperate drops in the end when in dies. It's important to note that only the Health and Loot of the boss scale, not the damage or frequency of its attacks. I get the feeling you must hate me by now so I will just shut up and wait patiently. Thank you once again! <3


Now I get what you meant with the Frenzied Shade attack, I agree it's a troublesome combo. The Decay enhances the damage taken by 20% each tick of damage taken by Wither, which adds up to a lot, especially when each effect lasts 7,5 seconds.
I can implement boss drops lines in the config without too much trouble I think. Having scaling based on player amount can be a bit trickier, but I'll see what I can do.

I do appreciate the feedback and suggestions. It will take a while until things will be implemented though, since I am currently trying to get a forge version working.