Marium's Soulslike Weaponry

Marium's Soulslike Weaponry


Galeforce always boosts.

notIkibo opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description says after max pull, but u can spam right click and have infinite Speed boost.
In Off Hand you also get a dash (with cd), but also even after one right click.

Kinda op ngl

And I love calculated fall for darkin blade, but movement is so weird. you just get a little boost upwards with almost no momentum. I guess I kinda expected it to slingshot (to a degree) you wherever you look..
Don't know what's your planning with that.
Ik Aatrox is not that mobile with his Q, but also combine Q with his E. :3
So yeah, not that fun to use it for only jump basically.


Oh and what is Umbral Trespass and how can I use it? Against whom? Really no clue


Umbral Trespass "mounts" the last mob you hit when using it. In this state, you take no damage, and on dismount, you will damage the mob.
I do know of the Galeforce bug, haven't decided whether I want it to be a feature or not, but yeah I agree that it is kinda op.
As for the Darkin Blade, I'll add a small boost so it feels less clunky.