Master tools is an expansion of the minecraft armor progression, branching off from daimond instead of further upgrading netherite. Currently there are three new armor sets, each with a unique weapon. They will be difficult to obtain, but for sure will be worth it.
It is currently not fully complete, so i'd like your feedback on how to improve it. It is totally playable though, and you are welcome to use it in your modpack.
This mod requires curios.
You'll need materials sunsilver and shadowsteel for some of the armor, so just be warned that you'll have to venture to the deepest- and highest- parts of the overwold to find these ores.
Watery set
Based on the ocean, this set requires you to obtain a lot of water to create, has a full set armor of 22, and a set ability of swim speed and water breathing.
To craft this, first, turn some wither skeleton skulls into wither bone fragments. combine these with iron to make withiron. Combine 9 water buckets for a water charm, and right click a block of withiron with it to obtain watery fragments. Combine these with withiron to get watery ingots, and combine those with withiron and a diamond to get a watery core. A watery core and watery ingot can be used in a smithing table to upgrade diamond gear to the watery set. They can also be used to create the watery spear, that launches you upward when you right click with it.
Infernal set
The infernal set is based on fire, and grants 22 armor and fire resistance. The weapon is the "infernal hammer" which can create a huge explosion when you right click the ground with it.
You'll need to venture into the nether fortress a bit more for this one, as you will need blaze powder to create the charm. Everything else is created similarly to the watery set, except you'll need to use shadowsteel instead of withiron for your ingots.
Blinding set
The best of the best, this set grants speed and it's weapon allows you to smite your foes with lightning.
Being so OP, creating it is kind of a pain. You'll need to apply netherite scrap to lightning rods for a netherite lightning rod, and place this on top of a copper block to obtain the lightning charm. (you might want to stand back though) Right click this on to withiron for some blinding fragments, and then combine these with sunsilver for a blinding ingot. Combining sunsilver, blinding fragments, and a daimond yeilds a sunjewel shard, and nine sunjewel shards become a sunjewel, used for the blinding core and the blinding crown.
The weapon, the blinding bolt, allows you to shoot blinding fragments to strike lightning where they land. It fires with almost 100% accuracy, allowing you to hit targets incredibly far away.
The blinding crown grants night vision, glowing, and luck, and can be equipped in your curios head slot.