Matching Trapdoors

Matching Trapdoors



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Are you irritated that whilst the lovely spruce trapdoors match spruce planks textures nicely, none of the other trapdoors do? But you still want to use those different vanilla trapdoors in your builds and so don't want a texturepack making wholesale changes? Or are you using 1.12, which hasn't got its own variants at all?

This mod introduces a trapdoor variant for each vanilla wooden plank-type which matches the native minecraft wooden plank texture. It does not replace existing trapdoors. See the images tab above.

Each of the new trapdoors has a new crafting recipe. In 1.12.2 the crafting recipe uses vanilla planks and the generic "wooden pressure plate". In 1.14/1.15 the crafting recipe uses vanilla planks and the specific pressure plate for the matching wood-type.

This is an MCreator mod, but trapdoors and recipes are elements which MCreator instantiates properly and are not subject to weird workarounds and fudges. :)

If, on the other hand, you are in a 1.13++ version of minecraft and you want to simply replace all trapdoor textures with these new ones, and not retain the original textures at all, you'll want my texturepack which does that here: