


Mattock is a tool mod for Fabric Minecraft 1.17 which adds one item to the game.

Mattock Crafting Recipe


  • The mattock is a "jack of all trades" type of tool which can be used on any block, but doesn't outclass existing tools in Minecraft.
  • It's crafted using 4 obsidian and 2 sticks.
  • It has higher base damage and speed than Netherite Tools, but cannot be enchanted with sharpness or efficiency. It can however be enchanted with Unbreaking, Fortune, Silk Touch, and Mending.
  • The intended usage is mostly for builders who don't want to carry and switch between multiple tools and weapons.
  • It's more effective against harder blocks, so it is marginally faster to use this tool when mining Obsidian or Ancient Debris than an Efficiency V Netherite Pickaxe.
  • The mattock has no right-click functionality, meaning you can use building blocks in your offhand without running the risk of accidentally stripping wood or making path blocks.

Video Demonstration


This mod requires the relevant Fabric API and Fabric Loader.

Special Thanks

  • edmord for the texture
  • Gegi
  • Snorps
  • Cameron


You can find me on Twitter @Astrazoey

If you like what I do you can Buy Me a Coffee.

There are no plans to make a Forge version of this mod.