195,355 Mods
Tinkers' Tool Leveling
70M DownloadsUse tools. Get modifiers.
Construct's Armory
37M DownloadsA Tinkers' Construct add-on for those looking to enter the world of armor
Tinkers' Complement
28M DownloadsAddon for Tinkers Construct to bring compatibility and features that don't fit in the base mod.
More Chickens
20M DownloadsChickens Add-On that adds modded chickens
18M DownloadsChildren's toy based weaponry
TiC Tooltips
18M DownloadsAdds stats to the tooltips of Tinkers' Construct tool parts
Tinker's JEI
18M DownloadsAdds a JEI Tab to look at material stats from TConstruct
15M DownloadsExtra tools & weapons for tinkers' construct
Moar Tinkers
14M DownloadsCurrently adds 63 moar tinkers construct tool material types and a bunch of traits!
Tinker I/O
13M DownloadsTinker I/O is a addon which use to extend the series of TConstruct Smeltery .
Ore Excavation Integration
12M DownloadsExpands OreExcavation with an Enchantment and Tinkers' support
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
12M DownloadsIguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct.
Slab Machines
11M DownloadsYour regular machines but half the size!
Armory Expansion
11M DownloadsExpansion for Construct's Armory and Tinker's Construct
Tweakers Construct
10M DownloadsTweak various values within tinkers' construct.
xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (a PlusTiC fork without the evil, and apparently some new bugs idk)
9M DownloadsMinecraft mod for adding new tools to and integrating various mods with Tinkers Construct
Tinkers' Addons
9M DownloadsAdding Back old TiCon Modifiers to Tinkers' Construct 2
TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon)
9M DownloadsTAIGA is an addon for tinkers construct. New minable ores, new alloys and a bunch of new tinker traits.
7M DownloadsThis mod hooks in to the GameStage API, and allows various aspects of Tinkers Construct to be put into progression stages.
Hardcore Wither
7M DownloadsThe Wither's difficulty adapts to the players