MC Plus

MC Plus


Minecraft Plus is a mod that expands on the features of vanilla Minecraft. There are six new ores added to the game, four of them the same tier and rarity of diamonds and can be made into the exact same things, they are: ruby, sapphire topaz and amythest. There's also pearl stone ore which when smelted makes pearl stones. Three pearl stones combined with one diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz and amythest will make a super gem! A super gem can also be obtained by combining nine super gem nuggets, mined from super gem ore, which is only mine-able with a diamond tier pickaxe. Super gems can then be made into tools, weapons and armour in the usual way. Smooth stone, crafted from two stone slabs on top of one another in the crafting grid looks just like the broken stone slab, which has the top face of a normal stone slab on all of the sides. Chiseled stone bricks, can be crafted from two stone brick slabs on top of one another in the crafting grid. End stone is also craftable from four ender pearls in a 2x2 order. This will yield 32 end stone. Finally dyed wooden planks. Put any dye in the centre of the crafting grid, surround it by any wooden plank and you'll get eight of the dyed plank.