- 0
Villagers can give armors with MCDW enchants
#81 opened by DT05YT - 1
Soul Devourer has no Description
#78 opened by Miku0Sama - 1
Crash due to enchantment on piglin crossbow?
#79 opened by Zach67 - 1
Repairing Weapons
#80 opened by mropitzky - 3
Fishing Rod Enchantments
#82 opened by ThinkWithPbody - 2
Probably StunEnchantment related crash
#83 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 0
All swords have the same durability
#84 opened by aisukuma - 6
Combat ecnhantemnts are tagged as Tools
#85 opened by RedWideWeb - 5
Prospector not working
#86 opened by sororbadr - 9
Incompatibility of Soul Devourer enchantment with Clumps mod
#87 opened by RedWideWeb - 3
Heartstealer does not accept Soul Devourer
#89 opened by Kluzzio - 6
Some enchantments do not work as intended.
#90 opened by ZeburaBlack - 1
Broken Sawblade doesn't have any way to retain enchantments
#92 opened by Kluzzio - 10
[Feature Request] Material ID for Datapack with LevelZ mod -> where to find material id in mcdw -> in mcda i found it
#93 opened by xR4YM0ND - 1
Royal guard shield cannot be repaired
#91 opened by AragoonKappa - 1
[Feature Request]
#95 opened by KingPigStep - 4
Axolotl issue
#97 opened by liwiss - 2
[1.18.1 Crash] crash on launch due to mixin
#98 opened by itsdinkd - 7
Glaive crashing aternos server
#99 opened by Saniritvik - 6
Enchantment Layer Bugged on Winter's Touch
#100 opened by verlixis - 3
Vanilla bow fires two arrows
#101 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 3
Dual Wield Spam
#102 opened by TheSkeletonAppears - 0
Due to new Backslot setup, some MCDW Weapons don't scale properly in either back or side slot
#108 opened by chronosacaria - 4
Most Ranged Enchantments Does Not Function with Crossbows
#103 opened by EigentlicherVogel - 4
Bow Innate Enchantment and Additional Enchantment Not Stacking Properly
#104 opened by EigentlicherVogel - 0
Radiance enchantment healing non-allied players
#105 opened by kattmaniak - 1
Default Loot System, from looking at code, does not appear to be working
#106 opened by chronosacaria - 2
Refreshment doesn't seem to do anything
#107 opened by Mophise - 4
"Critical Hit" Enchantment is too powerful
#111 opened by milodakat - 2
MC Dungeons Weapons/Armor don't appear in REI like stated
#112 opened by IDEZIHREE - 3
Some weapons have repair items that don't add durability
#109 opened by karlschmidt66 - 1
All Grave Banes Seem to have disappeared after newest update?
#113 opened by HacoKavanah - 5
enigma shot enchantment causes crash
#114 opened by TheRanker - 1
Skeletons deal too much damage - 1.18.1
#115 opened by Maja-dev - 9
Glitching weapons when enchanted
#116 opened by xHivex - 2
Harp Crossbow makes a harp sound when you shoot
#117 opened by EEGAR1 - 1
#118 opened by milodakat - 4
Disabling crafts with craft tweaker?
#119 opened by jirisek3 - 4
How does the dual wield with soul fist work?
#120 opened by CarTDC - 6
Ticking Entity
#121 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 0
No Bow Zooming Animation like Vanilla Bow
#122 opened by ardissaps - 6
Refreshment Crashes Game By Passing -1 As An Index To An Array
#124 opened by SpaceDragon00 - 8
[Feature Request]
#125 opened by I5268 - 1
Make Webshot not spawn string
#126 opened by MoshSD - 2
Dipping Poison Enchantment Broken
#127 opened by notdynae - 1
Huge weapons with Backslot
#129 opened by Sikelone - 0
Ricochet Causes Mobs to Aggro on each other
#131 opened by Kluzzio - 1
how can i use the translation
#133 opened by zombieowo - 5
[Feature Request] Animated whips?
#134 opened by AnomalousDeity - 2
A way to turn off crafting recipes [Feature Request]
#135 opened by simplyknown