McR - Revelations [FORGE]

McR - Revelations [FORGE]


Active: 1.19.4

This is a PREALPHA TEST FILE. This project is NOT complete.

McR is Team Defcons first take on a high tech automation based mod. It creates its own sustained "ecosystem" for early and late game. 


  • McR features a full suite of power generation systems, new item processing, redefined item storage, and much more.
  • New world generation features including trees and new ore generation.
  • A new late game quarry and mining dimension reminiscent of the Ender Quarry.

    General Information

Aspects of this mod can be configured so server owners have complete control of what is happening in their server.

Note: Issues must be sent on the github issue tracker. Any issues posted here will not be addressed.

Want to help?

Team Defcon is currently seeking out texture artists, translators, and programmers. Send SuperScary a DM if you're looking to lend a helping hand!