- 5
#2 opened by Greg-J - 1
Mod versions seem to not be updated
#3 opened by haykam821 - 1
Color information tooltip is a bit invasive
#1 opened by haykam821 - 5
[Incompatibility] SVC doesn't connect when MCRGB is installed on the client.
#5 opened by Mieridduryn - 1
#6 opened by Pie-Not-Lie - 2
The game takes much longer than usual to load due to the mod.
#7 opened by ChemaMC - 5
MCRGB installed it makes SVC return not connected
#8 opened by NFLD99 - 1
Account for Noise
#9 opened by AlphaLeoli - 1
Similar Colors
#10 opened by AlphaLeoli - 0
Suggestion: CIT Resewn Support
#11 opened by AlphaLeoli - 0
update to 1.21.3
#12 opened by EnvisagedMyron