Welcome To sF Xprt's Medieval Guard's Mod
Summon Knight's And Archer's To Join You On Your Adventure!
The Knight: Fierce Warrior of The Medieval Age, A Noble Force To Be Reckoned With. Vanquish Foes With This Fierce Warrior And Explore The Unknown!
The Archer: With This Sharpshooting Ally By Your Side, You Will Be Protected From The Great Skies And Distance's This Archer Can Reach!
These Warriors Can Be Spawned Using Their Designated Item's Recipe
Knight Item
Archer Item
How To Interact: While Player Is Sneaking, Right Click These Warriors To Open Up Their Screen And Hire/Give Them Command's
To Hire These Warriors You Must Give Them 1 Gold Coin
This is pretty much the basis of the mod, these entities will follow you and teleport to you if a certain distance threshold is reached. I am really open for any questions/suggestions/concerns as they will help improve the mod. Please note I did this all in exactly 5 hours so it may not be the best of quality. I have so much ideas I want to add so I'm going to leave them below.
More Gold Coin Usages - Using custom citizens, we can open up a shop and have them sell goods.
Custom Citizens - Like villagers but better, can protect themselves, eat, sleep, and make children on their own. Similar to MCA Reborn, it'll be possible to assign them to jobs, open shops, and procreate with them.
Kingdom's - create and name a kingdom (4x4,6x6,8x8 chunks) and have a basis block that will define the middle point of the kingdom. The kingdom will be the host to all your guards and citizens to live and work under your harmony and grace whilst paying tax money(gold coins) to your pocket every minecraft day. Have citizens in this kingdom alert guards for robberies, thievery, attacks, and incoming invasions(custom raids, will involve custom vikings). Upon kingdom creation that basis block will be a teleport mechanism for your guards(will add an option to teleport to kingdom).