Medieval Weapons Pack

Medieval Weapons Pack


Version 1.0.1 and up now have Better Combat compatibility.

This mod features 5 new weapons and 1 custom boss.

Sword: Spawns in a pile of stones, found in Forest, Birch Forest, Flower Forest.

Scythe: Spawns stuck on a grave, found in all taiga type biomes.

Pole-Axe: Spawns in an abandoned Cabin, found in all taiga type biomes (except snow taiga)

Short-Axe: Spawns in a campsite, found in Forest and Plains.

Greatsword: Only obtained as a drop from the 'Relentless Swordsman' boss, Spawns on a floating island in Plains and Sunflower Plains.


Link to Geckolib

Image of Boss Below:

This mod was made using Mcreator. This was a personal project to test making custom bosses, so do not expect any updates or ports to this mod.

Regarding the boss, upon killing you he can destroy some of your items, so if you want a less mentally straining fight against him I recommend having KeepInventory set to True