Mekanism Generators

Mekanism Generators


Network Protocol Error due to use of Evaporation Tower

Gal1leoGal1le1 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description

General Description

The issue involves a RuntimeException with Invalid fluid for tank: minecraft:water error message, the error log is provided further down. It appeared on a server with "All the Mods 10" installed, after a Evaporation Tower was build. The error only appeared for players who werent connected to the server when the tower was build and resulted in disconnecting.

Fast fix

A fast fix was to just destroy a block in the tower, when replacing it the bug reacured.
The bug was not reproduced by us, but still here are the steps that seem to lead to this bug:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start Server with All the Mods 10 installed (possibly mekanism mod is enough)
  2. Join with one account and build a Evaporation Tower
  3. After Finishing the Tower, join with another account that wasnt on the server allready, and get close to the Tower
  4. The Error should occur

Minecraft version

1.21.1 (Latest)

NeoForge version


Mekanism version

10.7.7 (Latest)

Other relevant versions

Mekanism Version was 10.7.8 (Not selectable befor)

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)


That looks like client/server recipe lists are out of sync or you got water in the output tank.
The former is not really something we can help with in a large modpack.

Try restarting clients until it works